Informations Administratives


The special terms will be extra statutory and their duration will be strictly limted to the academic year or semester, plus a week beforehand for installation.

Fellows will be paid a daily allowance of 75 ECU (A1-A3) or 60 ECU (other grades) and the reasonable cost of suitable furnished accomodation, within the ceiling permitted for mission-hotel expenses (currently 125 ECU/day), both amounts reduced by 25 % by application of the correctional factor applicable for missions of long duration. No derogation from this reduction will be accorded (see "Guide to Missions", last edition).

Apart from the initial return flight, the Fellow will be reimbursed the cost of 2 more return flights to Brussels (or Luxembourg) for a complete academic year. In case of semester (or quarter) the unaccompanied Fellow will be reimbursed pro rata (1 ticket for a semester, none for a quarter). Reimbursement for Fellows accompanied by their families is limited to three tickets in total, 1 for him/herself, 1 for his/her spouse and 1 child.

All flights will be on basis of the most economic rates available and the weight of personal luggage and necessary documents will be limited to 250 kg on the initial journey and on return.

With respect to the Commission, all mission expenses involved in fellowships shall be met from a special reserve managed by DG IX. For the other institutions, mission expenses are to be covered by the Fellow's Directorate general or Service.

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 9/12/98 12:03:47, dernière modification le 9/12/98 12:04:01