Informations Administratives


Commission candidates

  1. Applications should be sent on the special application form overleaf,

  2. As well as on the official form "Application to a training course" (application submitted by DG or department) which should be available from the official in your Directorate-general or Service responsible for training.
You should send one copy of the completed form directly to:

Mrs. L. Flagiello,
Training Unit - Commission Brussels
rue GUIMARD 10, office 2/63, fax (29)60751

together with an extensive curriculum vitae, covering mainly academic and professional experience, motivation sheet and reasons for choosing the particular university and a one-page description of the subject of special study. The original of the forms should be submitted to your Director-general or his/her representative, for signature and immediate transmission after signature to the above official.

Other Institutions' candidates

Applications should be sent to the above official exclusively on the form overleaf, duly signed by the appropriate Director-general or his/her representative, together with the required documents as described above.

Documentation and information

Documentation on American hosting Institutions can be obtained at the Educational Advising Centre of the Commission for Educational Exchange, 6th Floor of the Royal Library Albert I, 4 bd de l'Empereur, 1000 Brussels, Tél. 519.57.72, Monday through Thursday from 9.00 a.m. to 13.00 p.m.

Some supplementary practical information will be given by the Training Unit to the selected candidates.

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 9/12/98 12:04:38, dernière modification le 9/12/98 12:10:33