Informations Administratives
N° 1031

Lists of texts consolidated texts or texts containing provisions for consolidation

  1. Decision of 19 July 1988. Filling of middle-management posts (SEC(88) 1133 to 3 + Min 928).
  2. Decision of 11 May 1989. Management, redeployment and information programme for 1989/90 (SEC(89) 608 + Min 964).
  3. Decision of 4 October 1989. Organisation of the Translation Service (SEC(89) 1637 + Min 981).
  4. Decision of 21 November 1989. Framework rules laying down the conditions of employment of local staff of the Commission of the European Communities serving in non-member countries.
  5. Decision of 5 October 1990. Extension of the arrangements for filling middle-management posts to posts paid from the research budget appropriations (SEC 1902 to 3).
  6. Decision of 7 December 1992. Review of the powers of the authority responsible for concluding contracts of employment in the light of the implementation of the framework rules laying down the conditions of employment of local staff serving in non-member countries (C(92) 2987).
  7. Decision of 4 February 1994. Administrative provisions relating to the management of the Commission's external delegations (SEC(94) 181/4 + Min 1188).
  8. Decision of 21 September 1994. Coordination and management of Commission departments (SEC(94) 1492 + Min 1215).
  9. Decision of 28 June 1995. Procedure for filling middle-management posts (SEC(95) 1046 to 2 and SEC(95) 1059 + Min 1254).
  10. Decision of 16 January 1996. Organisation chart for the Joint Research Centre (PERS(96) 10/2 + Min 1276).
  11. Decision of 31 January 1996. Allocation of 8 A2 posts (SEC(96) 152/2).
  12. Decision of 10 April 1996 on the reorganisation of the Joint Research Centre (OJ L 107, 30 April 1996, p. 12).
  13. Decision of 12 July 1996. Simplification of the complaints procedure under Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations (SEC(96) 1294).
  14. Decision of 24 September 1997. Modernisation of Administration and Personnel Policy for the year 2000, Phase 1 (SEC(97) 1735/9).
Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Direction A : Politique de personnel

Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 28/04/98 22:45:32, dernière modification le 28/04/98 22:51:31