
General information


Courses will start on Monday 22 February 1999 and will end on Friday 2 July. The detailed calendar will be indicated in the classrooms at the start of the semester.


Community languages : DA (Danish), DE (German), EL (Greek), EN (English), ES (Spanish), FR (French), IT (Italian), NL (Dutch), PT (Portuguese),
FI (Finnish), SV (Swedish).

Non-Community languages : AR (Arabic), JA (Japanese), RU (Russian).


  1. STANDARD COURSES (twice a week)

    • Languages

      All languages mentioned in point 2.

    • Aim

      To enable participants to acquire the language skills which are necessary to carry out their daily work and to express themselves in everyday situations.

    • Levels

      Beginner (1 and 2)
      Intermediate (3 and 4)
      Advanced (5 and 6)

    • Length and frequency

      Course length is approximately 60 hours on a twice-weekly basis, 1 h 50 per day, for 17 weeks (excluding holidays).

  2. SPECIALISED COURSES (once a week)

    These courses are for participants who have successfully completed the six standard courses or those who can demonstrate in the placement test that they are at an equivalent level.

    • Languages

      Courses will be organised for the languages mentioned in point 2 if we have received enough applications and if there are sufficient resources available.

    • Aim

      To improve the participants' listening, speaking, reading or writing skills.

    • Content

      There are four SPECIALISED MODULES (People who have successfully completed any of these modules are not permitted to reapply for the same module) :
      • Oral expression (code 020)
      • Listening comprehension (code 022)
      • Written expression (code 024)
      • Reading comprehension (code 025)

    • Length and frequency

      Each module lasts approximately 30 hours, 1 h 50 once a week for 17 weeks (excluding holidays).

  3. SPECIFIC COURSES (TASK-BASED) (once a week)

    These courses are for participants :

    • who have finished level 6 of the standard courses and at least one of the specialised modules mentioned above ; or
    • who can demonstrate in the placement test that they have an equivalent level.

    A specific application is required for each course (see point 5 above).

    • Languages

      Specific task-based courses are only organised in DE, EN, FR if there is sufficient demand and if the necessary resources are available.

    • Aim

      • Specific writing courses focus on professional writing tasks (administrative writing).
      • Specific speaking courses focus on professional oral tasks (speeches, meetings, negotiating).

    • Content

      • Specific writing courses ((People who have successfully completed any of these modules are not permitted to reapply for the same module)

        • Preparation for administrative writing (code EXA-026) FR, EN, DE
        • Letters and memos (code EXA-027) FR, EN
        • Note taking and minute writing (code EXA-028) FR, EN
        • Report writing (code EXA-029) FR, EN
        • Summary writing (code EXA-030) FR

      • Specific oral courses ((People who have successfully completed any of these modules are not permitted to reapply for the same module)

        • Speeches and presentations (code EXA-051) FR, EN, DE
        • Meetings (code EXA-052) FR, EN, DE
        • Negotiating (code EXA-053) FR, EN, DE

      • Length and frequency

        Each module lasts approximately 30 hours, 1 h 50 once a week for 17 weeks (excluding holidays).


If you are given a place on a course, the time slots are as follows :

08 h 00 - 09 h 50
11 h 40 - 13 h 30
13 h 45 - 15 h 35
16 h 10 - 18 h 00


  • Please use the special enrolment form which follows.

  • You are only allowed to enrol for one course per semester.

  • People who are currently attending courses 1 to 5 do not need to submit a new application as their enrolment is automatic.
    However, those who are currently attending a level 6 course or a specialised or specific module will need to send in a new application.

  • People who were enrolled on a course in the 1st semester 1998-99 and who either :
    • never attended,
    • gave up attending,
    • did not attend regularly (8 consecutive absences or 10 non-consecutive absences),
    will be removed from the list and will need to submit a new application.

  • All applications must be sent through the appropriate hierarchical channels for authorisation and must be submitted via the Training Co-ordinator of each DG/service, to the Training Unit IX.A.3 - Language Training Sector - GUIM 1/60.
    Deadline for receipt of applications : Wednesday 13 January at midday.

  • Unauthorised applications will not be accepted.

  • You will be informed of the outcome of your application by 15 February 1999 at the latest. Please refrain from making any personal inquiries before this date, so that we can give our full attention to setting up the session for the benefit of all our participants.

Auteur : Personnel et Administration
Direction A : Formation du personnel

Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C : Ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 9/12/1998 15:35:47, dernière modification le 9/12/1998 18:47:16