Informations Administratives

I. The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership since 1995

14.00-1800Presentations followed by Questions and Answers
14.00Welcome Address
Steffen Erdle
Stagiaire at DG 1B/A4
14.10Opening Address
Leonello Gabrici
Assistant Director General of DG IB - External Relations: Southern Mediterranean, Near and Middle East; Latin America; South and South East Asia; North-South Cooperation
14.30-15.15The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: A New Dimension of Common Foreign Policy
Michael Köhler
Assistant Director of DG IB/A - Mediterranean Directorate
15.15-16.00The Euro-Mediterranean Free-Trade Zone: Promises and Challenges of Integration
Eberhard Rhein
Director of DG IB/A 1991-96 - Mediterranean Directorate
16.00-16.30Coffee Break
16.30-17.15Implications of Free Trade for Environment and Society
Mikel Insausti
WWF European Policy Office Brussels
17.15-18.00Political and Security Issues in the Mediterranean
George Joffé
Director of the Royal Institute for International Affairs, London
18.00-18.30Coffee Break

II. The European Union and the Middle East Peace Process

18.00-20.00 Panel Discussion

Bichara Khader
Director of the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Monde Arabe Contemporain, Université Catholique de Louvain

Alfred Tovias
Vice-Director of the Helmut Kohl Institute for European Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Chris Innes-Hopkins
European Council, Adviser of the EU Special Envoy for the Middle East Peace Process Miguel Moratinos

Diego de Ojeda
European Commission, Assistant Head of Unit DG IB/A1 - Mashriq/Israel Unit

Emmanuel Nahshon
First Secretary of the Israeli Mission to the European Community

Representative of the Palestinian Delegation to the European Community (tbc)

After 20.00 Buffet

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Direction A : Politique de personnel

Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 3/06/99 12:17:03, dernière modification le 3/06/99 14:10:44