Informations Administratives
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Applicants should be of A/LA grade ; have at least 5 years experience in one of the European Institutions. He or she should have demonstrated a high level of professional achievement and show significant promise in the field covered by the sessions for which they apply. The language of the Seminar is English and an excellent command of spoken and written English is a prerequisite for participation. Fellows are required to be present for the whole of the session in order to benefit fully.

When making its selection from the applications received, the Committee will give priority to officials

  • whose profile, professional experience and/or level of responsibilities are commensurate with the topic of the session requested
  • whose participation would be of special interest for the Institution, Directorate- General or Service concerned.


The total participation cost being 5.000 $, two thirds of the participation costs (3.333 $) will be borne by DG IX. The remaining third (1.667 $), plus travelling costs will be charged directly to the mission budget of the participant’s DG.


Applications must be made by using the form at the end of this text. This must be accompanied by a :

  • CURRICULUM VITAE in English, covering mainly academic and professional experience, as well as a
  • JUSTIFICATION SHEET (in English and not exceeding one page) outlining the personal and service reasons for the application. After approval by the Director-General or his/her representative, these documents must be submitted to

Staff Training Unit,
Attention of Mrs. L. FLAGIELLO
GUIM.10-12 , 2-63 (FAX 60751 or 92565)

Closing date for the receipt of applications is

November 10, 1999

After preselection the preselected candidate will be interviewed by the Coordinating Committee in the presence of the relevant Director of the Salzburg Seminar. These interviews will take place before the end of the year. Candidates who are chosen for a session will be given further information about their participation directly by the Salzburg Seminar at a later date.


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Auteur : Personnel et Administration
Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C : Ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 25/10/1999 15:43:09, dernière modification le 25/10/1999 15:43:28