Informations Administratives

Weightings applicable in third countries Article 13 of Annex X of the Staff Regulations

The remuneration of officials serving in third countries may be paid in the currency of the country of employment, in which event a weighting is applied to the portion paid in local currency.

The Commission adopted the Decision adjusting the weightings applicable from 1 February, 1 March, 1 April, 1 May and 1 June 1998 to the remuneration of officials of the European Communities serving in third countries, on 5 February 19991.(1)

The annexed tables show, for the aforesaid countries and dates, the new economic parities (calculated by the Statistical Office of the European Communities (S.O.E.C.)), the corresponding exchange rates (which are, in principle, those used for the implementation of the general budget of the European Communities for the months preceding the dates referred to in the second paragraph) and the resulting weightings.

(1)JO n* L 60, du 09.03.1999, p. 83 / OJ No L 60, 09.03.1999, p. 83.

PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT"Economic parities
March 1998"
"Exchange rates
February 1998 (*)"
March 1998 (**)"
Indonesia 76,87411,69218,67
Kazakhstan 0,027540,0267931102,79
Romania 145,4219,68466,19
Turkey 45025752,7578,26
Zimbabwe 0,18030,50522935,69

(*) "BEF 1 = local currency Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine = USD"
(**) Brussels = 100 %

PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT"Economic parities
April 1998"
"Exchange rates
March 1998 (*)"
April 1998"
Albania 4,0594,2046896,54
Colombia 28,5835,928679,55
Ghana 24,7660,823640,71
Indonesia 89,52256,27934,93
Venezuela 12,0713,780487,59

(*) "BEF 1 = local currency Georgia, Kazakhsta, Russia, Ukraine = USD"
(**) Brussels = 100%

PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT"Economic parities
May 1998"
"Exchange rates
April 1998 (*)"
May 1998 (**)"
Indonesia 105,4248,26242,46
Malawi 0,22280,66440833,53
Romania 155,6224,21569,40
Suriname 8,16210,604376,97
Turkey 49436380,8177,47
Zambia 30,3944,533568,24
Zimbabwe 0,19990,42850446,65

(*) "BEF 1 = local currency Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine = USD"
(**) Brussels = 100%

PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT"Economic parities
June 1998"
"Exchange rates
May 1998 (*)"
June 1998 (**)"
Angola 78887142,86110,43
Benin 13,3116,243381,94
Chad 15,2716,243394,01
Fiji 0,03270,052246662,59
Guinea-Bissau 926,11055,9787,70
India 0,51191,066647,99
Indonesia 110,7211,37252,37
Papua New Guinea 0,042790,054555478,43
Turkey 51996700,6277,59
Venezuela 12,8414,381989,28

(*) "BEF 1 = local currency Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine = USD"
(**) Brussels = 100 %

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Direction A : Politique de personnel

Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 23/03/99 9:02:48, dernière modification le 23/03/99 10:33:10