Informations Administratives

Staff reports for 1997/1999


Brussels, 1173*11.05.1999
IX D(99) 1462

Subject: Staff reports for 1997-99

As my Notice to Staff of 31 March 1999 announced, the 1997-99 reports procedure due to commence on 1 July 1999 will follow the rules applied in respect of the preceding period.

However, in order to abide by the Memorandum of agreement of 18 May 1998, the marks will not count for any purpose and accordingly Annex I to the Guide to staff reports and any reference to that Annex will not apply for the purposes of the 1997-99 reporting period.

The staff reports system should represent:
    - a human resource management tool;
    - a time to stop and think about the professional life of the person assessed;
    - a means of comparison with others (particularly for the purposes of career development);
    - a tool for monitoring professional development.

The DGs will provide their staff with the information necessary for them to take an active and constructive part in the reports procedure.

In this connection, I wish to stress the importance of the dialogue between assessors and assessed as a starting point for the procedure. The dialogue must take place before the draft staff report is drawn up and may be followed by a second dialogue.

I call on you to prepare yourselves for the dialogue and to take an active part in it, in the light of the instructions set out in the Guide to staff reports.

I also encourage you to contribute towards the drafting of your reports by providing your opinions where so requested, in particular in connection with the points concerning career development prospects and the improvement of the working environment.

The rules applying to staff reports can be consulted in all the Community languages on Europa-Plus ( (General provisions for implementing Article 43 of the Staff Rules and the Guide to staff reports). Among the administrative notes available in English and
French for use in the course of the procedure, Europa-Plus also carries a model for the carrying-over of the previous report.

Further information may be requested by Route 400 from "DG9 Infonotation".

I trust I may rely on all staff, both assessors and assessed, to help achieve the objectives of the reports system and to meet the deadlines laid down.

Steffen Smidt

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 20/05/99 8:55:56, dernière modification le 26/05/99 8:36:04