Informations Administratives
N° 1079

Promotion Procedure

Administrative Appropriations
Financial Year 1999 - Categories A, LA, B, C, D

Following the unanimous recommendation of the Promotion Committees, the appointing authority has adopted the lists of officials in Category A, LA, B, C, D found to be most worthy of promotion in 1999 into Grades A/4, A/6, LA/4, LA/6, B/2, B*/2, B/4, B*/4, C/2, C/4 and D/2.
From these lists the appointing authority will select officials to be promoted in accordance with the posts available according to the official list of posts.
The lists of eligible candidates for promotion to these Grades will expire on
31 December 1999.
Officials on these lists who are not promoted by then will not be entered automatically on future lists.

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 2/08/99 10:52:20, dernière modification le 2/08/99 11:00:59