Informations Administratives
N° 1083

Officials of grades A/6, A/8, LA/6, LA/8, B/2, B*/2, B/4, B*/4, C/2, C/4 and D/2 who on 31.12.2000 have the seniority required by Art. 45 to be eligible for promotion (in each grade by alphabetical order).

In accordance with the Commission decision of 2 July 1982 on measures to offset the promotion drawbacks of mobility, staff posted to a new DG after 2.12.1998 are covered by their former DG.

Officials who consider that this list is incomplete or contains errors should send their requests for correction to the Personnel Directorate in Brussels within 15 working days from the date of publication of this notice.

Category A and LA: tel. 60425/50978 (Sue Lang - Véronique Cuypers)
Category B: tel. 63146 (Isabel Jodar a.i.)
Category C: tel. 63146 (Isabel Jodar)
Category D: tel. 63146 (Isabel Jodar a.i.)

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Direction A : Politique de personnel

Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 8/09/99 14:15:59, dernière modification le 8/09/99 14:16:43