N° 44-2001

Promotion Procedure

Administrative Appropriations
Financial Year 2001 - Categories A, LA, B, C and D

The Promotion Committees set up to produce provisional lists of those considered most deserving of promotion will be meeting shortly to examine the files of all A, LA, B, C and D officials eligible for promotion within a career bracket.

The list of officials eligible for promotion was published in Administrative Notices No 08 of 22.1.2001 and 16 of 28.2.2001.

Officials recommended for promotion (in order of priority):

The following list will be forwarded to the Promotion Committee with the list of all officials eligible for promotion.

Appeals must be sent to the Chairman of the appropriate Promotion Committee within 15 working days of the date of publication of this notice:

Category A - David O'Sullivan, Secretary -General
Language Service - David O'Sullivan, Secretary -General
Category B - David Walker, SCIC
Category C - Herman Mosselmans, BUDGET
Category D - Pierre Mairesse, EAC

Auteur : Structure des carrières, évaluation et promotion
Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C : Ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 14/05/2001 10:24:49, dernière modification le 14/05/2001 10:28:11