N°32-2003 du 24.04.2003


Subject: Termination of service scheme
Invitation for applications - round 2003

On 16 October 2002 the Commission adopted the rules implementing the "termination of service" scheme established by Council Regulation 1746/20021 and, in particular, decided to proceed in three 'rounds' (2002/2003/2004) covering up to 200 officials each. The first round 2002 was completed by publication of the list of selected officials in Administrative Notices No. 010-2003 of 7 February 2003.

This present notice constitutes the invitation to apply for the 2003 round.

Each round is organised independently from any other round. An official whose application was not successful in the round 2002 will therefore have to introduce a new, complete application if they wish to apply for application of the measures in the 2003 round, in line with Article 4(2) of the Commission Decision of 16 October 2002. A reference in the application to the application submitted in the previous round will not be taken into account. Furthermore, the fact of having submitted an application already in the previous round will have no effect on the assessment of an application in this round.

To be eligible for the 2003 round, officials must be at least 55 years old and have completed at least 15 years of service on 31 December 2003. Years of service for which a severance grant has been paid will not be taken into account either for assessing eligibility, or for the calculation of the indemnity.
It should be noted that DG ADMIN has an obligation to ensure that the average indemnity for the 2003 round as a whole does not exceed 62,5%. This may affect both whether an official is selected for termination of service, and also the date on which an official may leave the service.

Full information on the early retirement scheme may be found on IntraComm at http://www.cc.cec/guide/social_b/degagement-index-en.htm.

This site explains:

  • what termination of service involves and the conditions governing it,
  • how and by reference to what criteria applicants will be selected,
  • the financial impact of termination of service (calculator),
  • how to apply, and
  • answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Officials who are interested in applying and who satisfy these conditions are invited:

  • to read carefully the information available on IntraComm,

  • to take note of the criteria to be applied for the selection of the candidates,

  • to use the calculator supplied to assess the financial impact for them of participation in the scheme,

and to confirm their application by

  • filling in and submitting the electronic application form available on IntraComm, and

  • printing out a copy of the submitted form, signing it and sending it to the human resources manager of their DG or department of assignment no later than 16 May 2003.

Both of these conditions - registration on-line and sending in of a signed paper copy - must be complied with, otherwise the application will be considered null and void (exceptions are, however, foreseen for particular situations - see below).

The ADMINFO help desk (tel. 66600, e-mail Adminfo@ec.europa.eu) will reply to any questions relating to the early retirement scheme, with the exception of those concerning the priority that may be assigned to a specific application or the likelihood that an application will be successful. The colleagues concerned should instead address such questions to the human resources manager of their DG/Service who will, however, only be able to make an initial appraisal that is not binding. Please do not call any departments of DG ADMIN or PMO other than ADMINFO about the scheme, as they will not be in a position to answer your questions directly.

ADMINFO also holds paper copies of the blank application form to be made available to colleagues who on grounds of justified absence from the service (leave, sick leave, missions etc.) or of technical impossibility of accessing IntraComm (which is the case for certain delegations) will not be able to fill in the electronic application form.

Only these colleagues will be exempt from the obligation to register on-line; they need, however, to send in their application on the signed paper copy to the human resources manager within the deadline (date of postmark).

As regards the remainder of the procedure, the planned timetable (dates are tentative) is as follows:
  • 16 May 2003: deadline for receipt of applications,
  • 03 June 2003: each DG or department sends to DG ADMIN its list of eligible applicants, grouped by category and, within the categories, in three groups depending on whether the interest of the service in the measure being applied to the official concerned is considered to be high, low or non-existent,
  • end of June 2003: establishment by DG ADMIN of a single draft list not exceeding 200 candidates, and also possibly of a draft reserve list of 20 candidates,
  • beginning of July 2003: opinion of the Joint Committee (COPAR) on the draft list,
  • mid - July 2003: approval of the list by the Commission; period of 10 working days for selected candidates to withdraw their application if they so wish; publication of the final list. Candidates may be given a fixed departure date at this stage if a later departure date would cause the level of their indemnity to rise,
  • September 2003 to 1st January 2004 : implementation of the individual measures terminating service: determination of departure dates depending on the needs of the departments, the candidates' interest, the level of indemnity and the ability of the managing department to deal with the ensuing workload,
  • early 2004: launch of the third exercise for which all officials will be eligible who, on 31 December 2004, will be at least 55 years old and have completed at least 15 years of service.
Concerning the question of data protection in the context of the round 2003 I would ask you to take note of the information contained in the Annex to this note.



Data Protection

An application for termination of service in the 2003 round will involve the treatment by the Commission of personal data concerning the applicant. Such treatment of personal data is subject to the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions ("The Data Protection Regulation")2 . By filing an application, the applicant will be considered as having given unambiguously his or her consent to the processing of these data in the context of the 2003 round. This consent makes all processing by the Commission of these personal data lawful in accordance with Article 5(d) of the Data Protection Regulation.

With a view to the provisions of the regulation, furthermore, the following should be noted:

Identity of data controller: Klaus Rudischhauser, Head of Unit A.1, DG ADMIN.

Purpose of the processing operation: Implementation of the termination of service scheme, round 2003.

Categories of data processing: All information contained in personnel files, supplied by the candidates or by the Directorate Generals and services.

Existence of the right of access: Applicants have a right of access to their data in accordance with Article 13 of the Data Protection Regulation.

Legal basis of the processing Commission Decision of 16 October 2002 and Council Regulation (EC, EURATOM) No. 1746/2002 of 30 September 2002.

Time limits for storing the data: Varies from individual to individual, depending on the development of the individual official's personnel file.

Right to have recourse to the European Data Protection Supervisor: Right is granted (see Article 33 of the Data Protection Regulation).

1 OJ L 264 of 2 October 2002, page 1.
2 OJ L 8 of 12 January 2001, pp. 1 - 22


  Auteur: Personnel et Administration