N° 48-2003 / 07.07.2003




Publication of merit lists

Under Article 8 of the General Provisions for Implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations:

"Once priority points have been awarded following the procedure laid out in Article 6, DG ADMIN draws up a distinct merit list for staff paid from appropriations of the operating part of the general budget and for those paid from appropriations of the research part of the general budget as well as a separate list for staff in the European Anti-Fraud Office. These lists will be drawn up for each grade, and in rank order of points, and will include those officials who are five points below the promotion threshold and those who have reached or exceeded it. The lists are published on the Intranet. They shall be communicated to all staff in the appropriate way."

This Administrative Notice contains the merit lists referred to in the above Article 8.

It also contains the merit lists which arise from the application mutatis-mutandis of the General Provisions for Implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations to staff paid from appropriations of the research part of the general budget (officials and temporary agents within the meaning of Article 2(d) of the conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities (CEOS)).

For the sake of clarity, each list is being published in two forms:

Directorates-General and other departments not included in this publication

This Administrative Notice covers all Directorates-General and departments with the exception of:
  • staff serving in the External Service,
  • Joint Research Centre staff,
  • OPOCE staff,
  • staff serving in Financial Control during the promotion period,
  • officials on secondment as staff representatives.

The merit lists for the above officials will be published at a later date, without affecting the principle of unity of the promotion period (the only practical impact will be a different starting date for the deadline for lodging appeals with the promotion committees against decisions on priority points).

Appeals to the promotion committees against decisions on priority points

Under Article 13 of the General Provisions for Implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations, officials may appeal to the promotion committees against the priority points awarded by the Directorates-General.

Staff are requested to note the following details on lodging appeals:
  1. Deadline for lodging appeals

    Under Article 13 of the General Provisions for Implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations, appeals against the award decisions on priority points must be lodged with the promotion committees within five working days of the publication of the merit lists. This deadline of five working days will take account of any documented periods of absence (missions, leave, etc.).

  2. Method of lodging an appeal

    Appeals must be lodged via "Sysper 2", under "My promotion file". Grounds must be given (an unlimited free text area will be made available to users who press the "Launch an appeal" button under the "DG Priority Points" tab).

    Officials who do not have access to "Sysper 2" will be able to launch an appeal by addressing a note with supporting arguments to Mr Marc MOULIGNEAU, Head of Unit ADMIN.A.6 (MO34 - 05/88).

    The Directorates-General to which officials who have launched appeals are assigned will be informed of each appeal launched and invited to comment.

    Under Article 18 of the General Provisions for Implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations, a complaint under Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations may not be lodged until the appeals procedure before the promotion committee has ended.


  ADMIN A.6: Structures des carrières, évaluation et promotion