N° 24-2004 / 15.04.2004

Living conditions allowance and rest leave

for officials serving outside the EU
Articles 8 and 10 of Annex X to the Staff Regulations

Under Article 10(1) of Annex X to the Staff Regulations, an allowance for living conditions has to be fixed according to an official's place of employment. The Appointing Authority must review that allowance each year and, where appropriate, adjust it after obtaining the opinion of the Staff Committee.
Under Article 8 of the same Annex, the Appointing Authority may, by way of exception, grant officials rest leave on account of particularly difficult living conditions at their place of employment.
The Commission has accordingly adopted two decisions:

  • a decision of 12 February 2004 setting living conditions allowances for officials of the European Communities posted outside the EU from 1 January 2004;

  • a decision of 25 March 2004 exceptionally granting rest leave for officials of the European Communities serving outside the European Union from 1 January 2004.

The annexed tables show the percentage living conditions allowances and the resulting entitlement to rest leave for the postings and periods specified.



   Author: RELEX K2