>> en  N° 018-2005 / 17.03.2005


DG ADMIN.A.1 is organising an information course for officials in grades A*8 up to A*12, (applicants must have a work experience at the Commission of at least one year) in


from 30 May to 03 June 2005

The language of the course will be ENGLISH
A satisfactory active and passive knowledge of this language will be required

Interested candidates will find enclosed:

  1. General information about participating (READ CAREFULLY)
  2. The proposed (draft)-programme
  3. A registration form, to be completed and sent to DG ADMIN with a shortened CV in the course language of 1 page maximum (will be sent to the organiser),

    for the attention of Mrs Koehler-Meert (MO34 – 8/102) by 19 April 2005 at the latest.

Candidates who are selected will be notified in writing together with the Head of Unit for Human Resources of the DG to which they belong.




1.    Objectives

The Personnel and Administration DG has implemented an information programme in the Member States to enable Commission staff to familiarise themselves with the culture of host countries and improve their knowledge of their political, administrative and economic structures.

2.    Who can take part?

The programmes are open to Commission officials in the intermediate grades A*8 up to A*12 (applicants must have a work experience at the Commission of at least one year).
As an exception, DG ADMIN can consider applications from other staff if there is a particular interest of the service, confirmed and justified in writing by the responsible Director, and if places are available.
Participants can not be nationals of the host country. The number of staff participating in the programmes is limited.

Staff serving in delegations, representations or the JRC may register for courses under the conditions set out in point 4 below.

Candidates’ attention is drawn to the fact that participation in an information course in a Member State chosen by the member of staff is a precondition for eligibility for the new exchange scheme for officials in that country.

Officials in the language service are reminded that these information courses are not designed for linguistic purposes. Special training schemes are arranged to that end by the DGs concerned, and met from their training budget.

3.    Selection procedure

The Personnel and Administration DG selects participants from among applicants, ensuring the best possible representation of the Commission Directorates-General and Services in the light of the tasks currently carried out by candidates relating to the programme, and of their nationalities, gender and grade. Candidates will be notified of the outcome by letter.
Candidates who are selected must maintain their commitment so as to avoid difficulties which may result in the information course being cancelled.

4.    Travel arrangements

DG ADMIN will meet the hotel and travel expenses for participants in information courses (from Brussels or Luxembourg at the lowest possible rate). They are entitled to receive reimbursement of travel expenses and subsistence expenses under the conditions laid down for travel on official business missions (see Mission Guide).

The same rules apply to participants from other places of employment. They will be met by DG ADMIN from Brussels or Luxembourg. Alternatively/Otherwise, they will be entitled to reimbursement of the equivalent of a return ticket from Brussels/Luxembourg (at the lowest possible rate) to the place at which the information course is given. In that case, participants must first obtain prior authorisation in writing from DG ADMIN.A.1 to commence their journey elsewhere than in Brussels or Luxembourg. All other expenses must be borne by the DG to which the parties concerned belong or by themselves.
Attention is drawn to the fact that all hotel bills arising from a last-minute change must be met by candidates themselves.

5.    Evaluation procedure following an information course

Participants are called upon to provide data required for evaluation of the programme, in the form of a mission report (of not more than 2 pages) and to send it to Mr Tanino Dicorrado, Head of Sector, ADMIN.A.1.

6.    Mission expenses claim

Mission expenses claims must be signed by officials and their immediate superior and sent with supporting documents (travel tickets, hotel bill, mission report) to Mr Dicorrado, Head of Sector, ADMIN.A.1, who will see that the documents are forwarded to the mission expenses section of the Office for the administration and settlement of individual entitlements (Paymaster's Office).


    Author: ADMIN A1