>> de | en | fr  N° 36-2008 / 11.09.2008


Priority point attribution – Corrigendum and addendum to the administrative notice No 35-2008 of 25 July 2008

1. Corrigendum

The corrigendum concerns the publication of the formal lists of the Directorate Generals in regard to the attribution of priority points.

For the Operating Budget, grade AD11, instead of:

Budget Grade PPDG DG Full name
Administration AD11 5 COMP RYAN, Stephen               

Should read :

Budget Grade PPDG DG Full name
Administration AD11 2 COMP RYAN, Stephen
    7 COMP RYAN Stephen Augustine

2. Addition to the publication of the merit lists and the formal intentions in regard to the attribution of priority points.

Administrative Notice No 35–2008 published on 25 July 2008 did not cover officials assigned to the External Service or the AD13 list for OIL.

The merit lists and the formal intentions in regard to the priority point attribution concerning the officials assigned to the External Service as well as the AD13 list for OIL are contained in the annex. ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 )

For these officials, the deadline of 5 working days for the introduction of appeals to the promotion committees runs from the date of publication of this addendum.


   Author: ADMIN A6