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Uploading data

Information providers can update their web pages and/or related data to the staging server through FTP using their personal central userids (CUID).
Here are the FTP host names for the staging servers:

about the FTP server set up

Continuing with the example from the chapter on "Data Structure for Web Pages":

Mr Wilhelm Grimm who maintains the pages under will after connecting to the FTP server with his userid "grimmwi" need to change to the directory "/public/htdocs/comm/fairy_affairs". At this location he can upload his new and updated contents and the eventual .request.update and .request.output files.
He will have write permission on everything underneath "/public/htdocs/comm/fairy_affairs", including "/public/htdocs/comm/fairy_affairs/myths_legends" because he explicitely requested to have access to those data. His brother Jacob, with userid "grimmja", has access permission only on "/public/htdocs/comm/fairy_affairs/myths_legends" and everything underneath it.
"grimmja" also has access permission to the restricted data under "/restricted/htdocs/comm/fairy_affairs/myths_legends/bloodandgore", while "grimmwi" will not even be able to see this directory structure.

Remark: there are two types of data to be transferred: binary data and text data. HTML files and "request files" are text data. Image files (e.g. *.gif) are binary files.
The difference is that text files consist of a number of lines ended by end of line characters ("line feed", "new line", "carriage return"), while binary files consist of a series of bits.
The line ending characters in text files differ between operating systems. Therefore it is necessary to transfer text files using the "ASCII" data transfer mode. Binary files have to be transferred in "Binary" or "Image" data transfer mode.

Another remark: the HTML standard specifies that URLs are case sensitive. Windows file names are (more or less) case insensitive. This can, and often does, create problems when uploading the HTML pages onto the staging server. Please pay special attention to this and make sure files are transferred correctly. As a convention, we recommend to stick to lower case for URLs and file names.

Data Centre