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Updating the Dissemination Sites

All static pages are transferred from the staging server platform to the dissemination server platform. FTP is used for these transfers. In principle these transfers are only executed after approval of DG PRESS (for EUROPA) or DG ADMIN (for IntraComm). This approval can be delegated to the information provider, as is the case for most of the contents.

Procedure description

4 files are used by the automatic procedure, and for each 'sub-site' these files have to be located in the root directory of that 'sub-site' on the staging server. All file names used inside these 'request' files are relative to this root directory (metacharacters (* or .) are not allowed).
I will (try to) clarify this later with an example.

Sample .request.update file:

Let's go back to the example from the chapter on "Data Structure for Web Pages":

Suppose Mr Grimm has updated the pages under "". He has updated the staging version of the home page "index.html" and added a few GIF files in the sub-directory "images". The file index.html is located in "/europa/public/htdocs/comm/fairy_affairs", and the directory is located under that same directory. In order to have the file "index.html" and the contents of the sub-directory "images" copied in to production the ".request.update" file should look like this:

The automated procedure to update the production site will copy the file "index.html" and the files that have been changed or added in the sub-directory "images", and eventual sub-directories of that sub-directory, to the production site.

The ".request.update" file has to be uploaded into the directory "/europa/public/htdocs/comm/fairy_affairs" because this is where the automated update procedure will look for it. The "request" files at that location can be used to maintain information that is located in the directory "/europa/public/htdocs/comm/fairy_affairs" and its' sub-directories.

Important remarks:

Procedure triggering

The procedure can be triggered in different ways :

The EUROPA team at DG Press manages who can trigger updates, when updates are triggered, and for which data on the EUROPA main contents web server. For IntraComm these tasks are still performed by the DC web dissemination team.

Important remark:

In an effort to accelerate the updates and to reduce the clutter on the production servers, we decide to not copy some (useless) files/directories.

Here is a list of files that are not copied (where '*' represents one or more characters)

Files/directories with file paths containing the following patterns are not copied either: Empty files and directories are not copied.

Another important remark:

Any updates of the production servers impact their performances. This is why Admin-DI-DC avoids as much as possible the execution of transfers into production during the day time. To avoid repetitive transfers of a set of data (especially due to errors), you are kindly requested to check in depth and carefully your site locally before requesting the transfer into production.

Data Centre