Informations Administratives

Election Campaign

Code of good Conduct

In order to ensure the smooth running of the elections, the Electoral Office wishes the following guidelines for the display of posters to be followed. These guidelines are brought to the attention of staff with a view to safeguarding the Commission's premises, equipment and working environment.

Posters may be displayed in the following places, provided that the Unit responsible for health and safety does not decide otherwise and that the surfaces in question are not damaged :
    - in the reception areas, on the notice boards provided for the purpose;
    - in the garages and indoor parking areas;
    - in the stairways;
    - around lift doors on each floor;
    - in the cafeterias/restaurants;
    - on an office door with the agreement;
    - in the immediate area around an office door;

Should a poster be put on or near an office door without the agreement of the occupant or occupants, staff are asked to inform the secretariat of the organisation concerned by telephone in order to remedy the situation. If the matter is not resolved, the member of staff concerned can contact the Electoral Office which will intervene if it considers it necessary.

It should be avoided to post election material :
    - in the toilets;
    - in the lifts or on lift doors;
    - on any surface which could be damaged by the use of adhesive material, particularly on chromium-plated or painted surfaces. In particular, the use of self-adhesive stickers should be banned, given the difficulty of removing them at the end of the election campaign and the serious damage they cause when removed.

The chef d'immeuble or huissier should be informed of any material displayed in these areas. They should inform the Electoral Office. It should be noted that the removal of such posters by anyone else should not be permitted.

Furthermore the Electoral Office points out that any use of mail as part of the electoral campaign should be avoided, so as not to disrupt operation of such communication systems.

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 28/02/99 18:54:40, dernière modification le 28/02/99 19:02:18