Informations Administratives


Subject :          Suppression of short dial codes for reaching GSM phones

For some years, Belgian (Luxembourg) GSM numbers have been reachable from every phone within the Commission buildings, using one of a list of short dial codes (a different short dial code for each prefix associated with one of the GSM operators in Belgium and/or Luxembourg). The growing popularity of GSM phones (and the proliferation of the number of prefixes reserved for GSM operators) and the high costs of communications between fixed and mobile phones make it impossible to continue this practice.

From 1 July 1999 onwards, these short dial codes will be no longer available. Instead, the full GSM number needs to be dialled to reach your correspondent. The possibility to reach GSM phones will be restricted and will only be available on the fixed phones of staff members who have a business need for it. In an interim period (while we are contacting the assistants and heads of unit responsible for human resources to check who needs this possibility), the possibility will be available on every phone that can be used to make local calls.

May we remind staff members that everybody, except trainees and temporary staff (« interimaires ») can obtain a secret code to be used for private communications(Phone 51800 for more information) . Using this secret code enables you, from every phone within the Commission buildings, to contact every telephone number in the world - but with the communication cost charged back to you. Calling cards (associated with 0800 numbers) can also be used.

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 18/06/99 8:49:03, dernière modification le 18/06/99 10:19:59