N° 101-2001


The Commission's offices in Brussels and Luxembourg will be closed from Monday, 24 December 2001 to Wednesday, 2 January 2002 inclusive.

The Directors-General and Heads of Department will determine the Units for which the needs of service require that a permanence be ensured on 27 December 2001, 28 December 2001, the morning of 31 December 2001 and on 2 January 2002.

The personnel ensuring this permanence will benefit from a compensation calculated on the basis of 1.5 days of leave per full day worked. All half days worked will be added together. Should the total not give rise to a sum of whole days, the remaining half-day will be compensated by a whole day.

In order to regularise the permanence carried out, the Units should submit, by 31 January 2002, the list of officials and other servants concerned to the Head of Human Resources of their Directorate-General/Service. This list should indicate the person's name, personnel number as well as the dates worked and also specify whether the days to be considered are half days or full days.

The compensation will be added to the balance of leave days for calendar year 2002.

Attention Only a permanence taking place in the office will give rise to this compensation.

The days of closure of the Representation Offices in the Union, the Delegations, the Joint Research Centre or others are determined according to the needs of service. The dates will be decided by the relevant Director-General or Director of these centres.

The Commission reserves the right to modify these provisions should the needs of service so require.


Auteur : Personnel et Administration
Direction B.3 Gestion des droits individuels

Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C : Ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 5/12/2001 10:32:40, dernière modification le 5/12/2001 10:39:13