N° 13-2001

Sickness Insurance Carnet (JSIS)

A sickness insurance carnet is available to those fully covered by the Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme (JSIS) and may be used as proof of membership of the Scheme. It is not in any sense an undertaking by the JSIS to pay for treatment - a letter confirming that the Scheme is willing to accept direct billing must still be provided for the hospital concerned.

Who is eligible for a carnet?
The member, as well those who are fully covered through him by the JSIS (i.e. those receiving complementary cover by the JSIS are not eligible) The Settlements Office will issue one carnet per person.

How to apply for a carnet
One application form per person should be filled in (photocopy the attached form if necessary). Do not forget to send, for each person needing a carnet, a recent photograph with name, forename and personnel number on the back.
Send your applications to the Settlements Office to which you are attached. However, members from the Council should send their application to the Brussels Settlements Office.

Economic and Social Committee and Committee of the Regions

M. Franchini
2, rue Ravenstein
B-1000 Bruxelles
Tel.: 32.2.546.94.50

Brussels S.O.Luxembourg S.O.
European CommissionEuropean Commission
200, rue de la LoiCaisse de Maladie
B-1049 BruxellesPlateau du Kirchberg
Office: B-28 03-190L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel.: WAG C2-010
Tel.: 352.4301.36120
Ispra S.O.Karlsruhe S.O.
C.C.R. EuratomEuropäische Kommission
Ufficio LiquidatoreKrankenkasse
TP 640Postfach 2340
I-21020 Ispra (Varese)D-76125 Karlsruhe
Tel.: 39.033278.5757/9334Tel.: 49.7247.951534/951170
Form    or

Auteur : Personnel et Administration
Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C : Ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 29/01/2001 15:59:44, dernière modification le 31/01/2001 14:00:52