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Certification Training : Personnal Data Protection

Specific Declaration of Personal data protection
in the framework of certification

This declaration confirms that all personal date provided are dealt with in compliance with regulation (EC) N° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000. It is submitted individually to the officials concerned on the basis of the lists provided by the Appointing Authorities (AIPN).

In accordance with articles 11 and 12 of this regulation, EPSO and EAS provide the candidate with the following information:

Controller identity (1) : Mr Nicholas David BEARFIELD, Director of EPSO.

Purpose(s) of the processing: to organise the training modules and associated examinations for the purpose of the publication by the AIPN of the respective Institutions of the list of officials having passed the exams, certifying that they have successfully completed the training programme and can therefore be appointed to the function group AD.

Data concerned: those of the official participating in the training modules and associated examinations.  In compliance with article 11.1 d) of regulation (EC) N° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000, data requested from the officials participating in the training modules can be either compulsory or optional. This is clearly indicated on the questionnaires used in order to collect data. The lack of response to any optional question has no consequence on the processing of the file of the candidate. The lack of response to any compulsory question could result in the impossibility of processing the file correctly.

Nature of the data to be processed:

  • Data of a personal nature allowing the identification of the official (name, given name, date of birth, electronic address, personnel number) ;
  • Information provided by the official allowing the practical organisation of the training and the examinations (home Institution and service, administrative address, place of employment, sex, telephone and fax number, languages, training already undertaken, professional experience ;
  • Attendance at the training courses and results of the examinations in the framework of the training;

Legal base
: - conditions of employment of servants of the European Communities, as fixed by regulation (CEE, Euratom, CECA) n° 259/68 of the Council, last modified by regulation (CE, CECA, Euratom) n° 23/2005 of the Council, and in particular articles 45b of the Staff Regulations and 7 § 2 point c) of Annex III of the Staff Regulations;

- decision n° 2002/620/CE of the European Parliament, the Council, the European Commission, the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman of 25 July 2002 culminating in the creation of the European Personal Selection Office;

- decision n° 2005/118/CE of the European Parliament, the Council, the European Commission, the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman of 26 January 2005 culminating in the creation of the European Personal Selection Office;

- decision n° 2005/119/CE of the Secretaries General of the European Parliament, the Council, the European Commission, the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman du 26 January 2005 concerning the organisation and operation of the European Administrative School;

- the general implementing provisions concerning the Certification procedure adopted by each Institution on the basis of article 45 b § 5 of the Staff Regulations (available from the administration of each Institution concerned) ;

Recipients of data: in the case of passing the examinations certifying successful completion of the compulsory training, each Community Institutions (and where appropriate the agencies) concerning only its own officials, for the publication of the official lists by each AIPN and so that the latter are able, where appropriate, to proceed with the nomination of officials concerned in posts of the AD category.

On the express request by the Institution of origin concerned, transfer of the record of any absences of the official during the training course in order to maintain the chain of hierarchical responsibility between an official and his/her Institution.

Lawfulness of processing
: the processing is necessary for the completion of tasks carried out in public interest on the basis of legal instruments adopted on the basis of the treaties of establishment of the European Communities (possibility to change from one group of functions to an other foreseen in the Staff Regulations).

Date when processing starts
: date of receipt by the EAS of the questionnaires completed by candidates and as concerns EPSO, date of the introduction of the data of each candidate in the NAC database (using the EPSO profile).

Data retention period
: 2 years for officials having successfully followed the training and passed the examinations and 5 years for officials who have not passed any or all of the examinations (retention of data is necessary by reason of the possibility of resitting the examinations without having followed again the training programme). For the first year of retention, the data are also subject to use for statistical purposes.

Right of access and verification: officials concerned may send a request to indicate any changes to their personal data. In any case, and following written request with a copy of a proof of identity, they may obtain a copy of their personal data as registered by the EAS and/or EPSO.

Following written request with a copy of a proof of identity, they may also obtain a copy of their written tests as well as of the final evaluation sheet duly signed by the Chairman of the examination board. This does not entail any right of rectification under article 14 of regulation (EC) N° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000

From the time of entry of the data of each candidate in his/her EPSO profile, each candidate may also check at any moment his/her personal data and change them on-line, with the exception of the name and date of birth for which a reasoned request must be sent to EPSO at this address :, and with the exception of the language chosen for the training and the examinations.

At any moment, officials also have the right to have recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor (


(1) : By reason of the administrative attachment of EAS to the EPSO for the first three years following its establishment, the Director of EPSO is jointly responsible for control.

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