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>> IntraComm > EUSA > Certification > Procedure

What is certification?

Certification is the procedure laid down in Article 45a of the Staff Regulations whereby officials can move from the assistant function group (AST) to that of administrator (AD). To obtain certification candidates must follow the training programme run by the School and pass a series of examinations.

It is applicable to staff from all institutions.

Who can participate in certification?

Candidates for certification are selected by their respective institution or agency/office.

Each institution lays down its own detailed implementing rules about how the selection criteria are to be applied and about the practical organisation of the process.

What is the role of the School?

The School has sole responsibility for designing and delivering the compulsory training programme for the certification procedure. The School and EPSO are responsible for the content and organisation of the examinations.

These provisions mean that all staff, irrespective of the institution to which they belong, will be treated in exactly the same way during the training and testing phases of certification.

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