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End of year celebrations - security alert.

The end of year celebrations are nearly upon us... and criminals also redouble their efforts at this time of year!
The Belgian police have, as every year, reported a marked increase in thefts and other criminal acts, especially around cash machines on the street (only withdraw small sums of money on each usage, don't let others see your PIN code, preferably withdraw cash during the day when other members of the public are present...)

There is also an increase in thefts from the home (protect your valuables, jewellery, etc. A safety deposit box in your bank is a good solution)

Be aware of bag-jacking! When you find yourself caught in a traffic jam, or parking your vehicle, the attacker opens one of the doors and snatches the handbag or jacket that has been left on a seat (Hide them from the view of passers-by, out of reach of anyone who opens the door or smashes the window)

In the Commission's buildings finally, never leave your gsm, PDA or Q-Tek, your wallet or purse, money collected for a colleague (birthday...), jewellery or credit cards exposed to view and unsupervised. You should realise that a drawer, even if locked, can never be a safe place and that the keys to the drawer, even if hidden by folders, kept in the pen drawer of the desk or at the bottom of a cup are not safely protected.

Furthermore, do not forget that more than 20 000 people access our buildings on a daily basis. Simple precautions ( – help and advice) will allow most thefts to be avoided.

Security Directorate


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