Informations Administratives
N° 1031

Staff paid from the research and technological development appropriations other than those serving in Directorate-General III or Directorate-General XIII

Exercise of the powers conferred by the Staff Regulations on the appointing authority and by the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants on the authority responsible for concluding contracts of employment in respect of staff paid from the research and technological development appropriations other than those serving in Directorate-General III or Directorate-General XIII

The powers conferred by the Staff Regulations on the appointing authority and by the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants on the authority responsible for concluding contracts of employment are exercised in accordance with the following conditions:

  1. The Commission adopts the general provisions for giving effect to the Staff Regulations and the rules requiring agreement between the institutions.
  2. The powers conferred on the appointing authority by Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations are exercised by the Member of the Commission responsible for personnel matters, except where the contested decision has been taken by the Commission or by the Member of the Commission himself. In this case the powers concerned are exercised by the Commission.
    The power to sign favourable replies to complaints is delegated to the Director-General for Personnel and Administration or, where appropriate, by the Director general of the Joint research center.
  3. The powers conferred on the appointing authority by Articles 25 and 90(1) of the Staff Regulations are exercised by those designated as appointing authorities under these provisions.
  4. Where a provision of the Staff Regulations which is applicable by analogy or by virtue of a reference to other servants confers powers on the appointing authority, the appointing authority exercises these powers as the authority responsible for concluding contracts of employment in respect of the staff covered by the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants.
  5. The powers (other than those referred to above) conferred by the Staff Regulations on the appointing authority and by the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants on the authority responsible for concluding contracts of employment in respect of staff paid from the research and technological development appropriations but not serving in Directorate-General III or Directorate-General XIII are exercised in accordance with the conditions laid down in the tables below.
  6. The powers conferred by the Staff Regulations and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants not included in the tables below are exercised by the Director-General for Personnel and Administration.
  7. The powers conferred by these provisions on the Director-General for Personnel and Administration, the Director-General for Science, Research and Development and the Director-General of the Joint Research Centre are exercised, if the said Directors-General are unable to act, by the Deputy Director-General with the most seniority in the highest grade. If he is unable to act, his place is taken by the longest-serving official present or, in the event of equal length of service, by the oldest official in the highest category and grade.
  8. The powers conferred by the Staff Regulations on the appointing authority and delegated to the Director-General for Science, Research and Development and the Director-General of the Joint Research Centre are exercised as follows:
    1. The powers listed in Tables I, II, III and IV are exercised in respect of all staff paid from the research and technological development appropriations, with the exception of staff serving in Directorates-General III (Industry) and XIII (Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research).
    2. In the case of A2 staff the exercise of the powers provided for in Article 7 of the Staff Regulations (Table III.1 Transfer and 2 Temporary posting) is the subject of a memorandum addressed to the Member of the Commission responsible for personnel and administration and to the Member of the Commission responsible for science, research and development/the Joint Research Centre.
    3. In the case of A2, A3 and A4-5 Heads of Unit/Advisers, the powers provided for in Articles 1, first paragraph, 7 (Table II.1 Assignment to post), 29, 30, second paragraph and 45 of the Staff Regulations are exercised after consultation of the Consultative Committee on Appointments.

    Should the appointing authority and the Consultative Committee on Appointments fail to agree, the final decision rests with the appointing authority, after consultation of the Member of the Commission responsible for personnel and administration and the Member of the Commission responsible for science, research and development/the Joint Research Centre.
    1. The powers held by the Member of the Commission responsible for personnel and administration in respect of A3-8, B, C and D officials and temporary staff listed in Table VI (points 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8) below are delegated to the Director-General for Science, Research and Development and the Director-General of the Joint Research Centre in the case of officials and temporary staff serving in these Directorates-General and paid from the research and technological development appropriations.
    2. The powers held by the Member of the Commission responsible for personnel and administration in respect of A3-8, B, C and D officials and temporary staff listed in Table III (point 11), IV (point 5) and VI (points 1, 4, and 5) below are exercised jointly by delegation by the Director-General for personnel and administration, the Director-General for Science, Research and Development or the Director-General of the Joint Research Centre in the case of officials and temporary staff serving in these Directorates-General and paid from the research and technological development appropriations, and a third Director-General designated by the Secretariat General. The joint decision is taken by a majority of these three Directors-General.
    3. The powers held by the Commission in respect of A1-A2 officials and temporary agents listed in the Table VI point 2 are delegated to the Member of the Commission responsible for personnel and administration in agreement with the President.

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Direction A : Politique de personnel

Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 28/04/98 23:12:47, dernière modification le 30/04/98 7:37:45