N° 88-2002


The Optimail project1 , supervised by the Informatics Directorate of DG Personnel and Administration is intended to improve E-mail usage within the Commission. In this framework, the Legal Service, the Data Protection Officer of the Commission, the DG Internal Market and the Informatics Directorate have defined simple and clear usage conditions of the Commission E-mail system. These conditions are presented herewith.

The e-mail system has been installed for official use. However, incidental personal use is permitted.

The e-mail system should not be used for illegal or irregular purposes contrary to the interests of the Communities, or in the sole financial interest of the user. It may not be used contrary to the provisions of the Data Protection Regulation2 or in any way that may be regarded as insulting or offensive towards any other person, company or organisation, or that might disrupt the functioning of the e-mail service itself.

Further examples of abuse include: using the system for business or commercial activities; using it as a discussion forum with people not having explicitly agreed to participate in the discussion or for the widespread distribution of unsolicited messages; transmitting messages which contain profanities, obscene materials, slander or ethnic, religious, political or racial slurs.

Such abuse may lead to an investigation and even to disciplinary action. The Director General concerned may submit a reasoned request to the Director General of Personnel and Administration to open an investigation of the traffic and/or content of an electronic mailbox by one of the following competent authorities: ADMIN/DS, OLAF or IDOC3 , carried out in conformity with existing investigative and disciplinary procedures.

The Director General of DG ADMIN, shall, where appropriate, give the necessary instructions to carry out the requested investigation, after having consulted the Data Protection Officer.

Each Director General will designate for his Directorate General, the contact person(s) responsible for handling questions relating to the permissible use of the e-mail system.

These conditions enter into force immediately.

(1) More info at

(2)European Community regulation 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community Institutions and bodies on the free movement of such data. The English and French texts can be found at

(3) Commission decision on the conduct of administrative inquiries and disciplinary proceedings:

Auteur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C : Politique et gestion immobilières; gestion des services

Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C.4 : Logistique et Services

Page créée le 21/10/2002 14:18:53, dernière modification le 14/11/2003 8:54:46