N° 31-2002
BRUXELLES + pensionnés résidant en Belgique + écoles européennes en Belgique (Bruxelles et Mol).



Agreement with dentists practising in Belgium

Our agreement with dentists practising in Belgium calls for annual indexation of maximum fees to reflect changes in the consumer price index. A table setting out the new maximum fees applying from 1 March 2002 (the last adjustment was on 1 April 2000) and the amounts reimbursable by the JSIS is attached.

Please note that the maximum fees resulting from this agreement do not always guarantee that you will get a reimbursement of 80%.

In your own interests, you should check if your dentist has accepted the agreement (see full list on the intranet) and whether the fees mentioned on his/her compulsory estimate exceed the maximum under agreement. You are not, of course, obliged to seek treatment from a dentist who has accepted the agreement, although you should be aware that fees charged elsewhere may be higher or lower than the maximum fees fixed in the agreement.


Supporting documents - Use of official documents by health practitioners

In line with JSIS internal management procedures and in the light of the information sent to us by the Belgian Finance Ministry and the National Sickness and Disability Insurance Institute (INAMI), our Settlements Offices will in future require health practitioners to issue official documents for services which have not yet been billed that comply with the legislation of the country in which the services are provided.

Our Central Office has launched an information campaign among health care professionals in Belgium, both by direct mail (e.g. to dentists who have signed the agreement with the European Union) and through their professional organisations, calling for the systematic use of the official invoices provided for in Belgian legislation. An administrative notice sheet will be circulated shortly containing a list of official documents which must be used by health practitioners and health-care establishments.

Dental practitioners in Belgium for example will be obliged to issue, in all cases, as well as our own standard forms for statements of fees (see, the statement of treatment provided indicating the amount paid, irrespective of whether or not the services provided are covered by INAMI.

Please report any problems you may encounter, such as deliberate and persistent refusal by a dentist to issue official documents, in writing to the Sickness Insurance Central Office (B-28 03-124) or by e-mail to

Auteur : Personnel et Administration
Direction B.5 : Assurance maladie et accidents

Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C.4 : Logistique et Services

Page créée le 11/04/2002 11:21:31, dernière modification le 11/04/2002 11:59:33