N° 35-2002

Guidelines on mobility

On 12 February 2002, the Commission adopted new guidelines on mobility within the Commission. These guidelines establish a well-defined framework for a coherent, transparent and objective policy of mobility.

The first point is that mobility within the Commission is voluntary. Staff, therefore, have no obligation to move at regular intervals to a new job. In this respect, the introduction of the notion of "reference periods" should not be interpreted as an attempt to introduce structured and forced mobility. On the contrary, these reference periods will allow staff to take stock of their professional development at certain moments of their career.

The exception to the rule of voluntary mobility applies to staff occupying a post classified as sensitive by their Directorate-General. For these officials, mobility is obligatory. Therefore, when they reach the end of the reference period, they have to proceed to mobility and have to seek another job.

In order to facilitate mobility within the Commission, a whole series of measures has been introduced, ranging from the publication of a vacant job to the moment when staff take up their duties in the new job:
  1. all vacant jobs will be published. The vacancy notice will be based on the job description and will contain all the requirements necessary to carry out the duties correctlystaff interested in a specific job will have to complete a standard application form, provide a curriculum vitae following the format recommended by the Commission for standard curricula vitae (CV) and attach a letter explaining the reasons for their interest in the job.

  2. staff interested in a specific job will have to complete a standard application form, provide a curriculum vitae following the format recommended by the Commission for standard curricula vitae (CV) and attach a letter explaining the reasons for their interest in the job.

  3. the selection of a candidate for a job will be made on the basis of their qualifications while respecting the policy of equal opportunities. Consequently, all officials considered to be eligible for a job will be invited for an interview which will be carried out using standard interview grids. When candidates are not selected for a job, they will be informed orally of the reasons why their application was not successful.

  4. in order to acquaint their successor with the work, staff will be permitted to work part-time in their new assignment before they move to their new job or to return part-time to their old unit after they have moved. To facilitate this transition, each member of staff before changing jobs will prepare a "briefing file" for the person succeeding them.".

  5. integration of staff into their new unit will be improved by nominating a "coach". This will be a colleague designated to help the new staff to adapt to their new work environment.
DG ADMIN will soon provide more detailed explanations on the practical application of the measures introduced by the guidelines, together with the documents and/or forms which will be necessary to implement all these measures correctly.

To find out more in detail about the measures concerning mobility within the Commission, please consult:

Auteur : Personnel et Administrtion
Direction A : Politique du personnel

Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C.4 : Logistique et Services

Page créée le 29/04/2002 8:52:35, dernière modification le 29/04/2002 8:55:18