N° 54-2002


  1. Guidelines on Job Descriptions

    On 19 February 2002 the Commission adopted the "Guidelines on Job Descriptions ". These guidelines take account of the experience gathered with the pilot job description exercise launched by the Commission on 24 May 2000 with a view to implementing Action 19 of the White Paper on Reforming the Commission.

    Job descriptions define the responsibilities and job requirements that the jobholder should fulfil. In this respect, they guide the jobholder in his/her daily work. They also facilitate career development reviews.

    They play an important role with regard to mobility and recruitment, because they are the reference framework allowing individuals and managers to assess clearly the match between the profile of the person and the profile of the job. In this respect, they could form the basis for vacancy notices.

    Finally, accessible and reliable job descriptions record both the full range of functions exercised by Commission personnel and their skills. Moreover, they permit the identification of strengths, weaknesses and qualification gaps thereby facilitating the definition of training and vocational guidance activities to enable the jobholder to better define a personal career development plan.

  2. Job Description Model within the Commission

    The job description model that has been drawn up is based on the work undertaken by DG ADMIN with the Human Resource Units of all the DGs since May 2001. It collects and structures data on the three following aspects:

    Job profile: job title, general purpose, functions and duties, as well as its place in the organisation;
    Job environment: useful information on the working conditions and circumstances of the post (size and make-up of the unit, challenges for the future, accommodation etc.);
    Job requirements: education, qualifications, training, experience, aptitudes, skills etc. that the job holder should have in order to carry out, satisfactorily, the functions and responsibilities of the job.

  3. Implementation

    Job descriptions will be drafted by:

    • Heads of unit, with respect to positions within a unit (deputy heads of unit, heads of sector, administrators, assistants, secretaries, ...)
    • Directors generals, with respect to his/her direct reports (deputy DG's, directors, principal advisors, heads of unit, advisors, assistants, secretaries, ...)
    • Heads of Cabinet with respect to cabinet members and their staff

    Job descriptions must be completed by end September 2002. They will be discussed with the current jobholders and communicated to them as soon as they are finalised. From that moment, they will be accessible to the Commission's staff through the intranet.

    To support this exercise, DG ADMIN is providing the services with assistance, including a help-desk service. This assistance includes training and information activities for Human Resources Units (RRH) in order to ensure that they are in a position to prepare senior management and staff for the implementation of the guidelines.

  4. Implementation tools

    Job descriptions will be defined, introduced, managed, updated and used via the Job Information System (JIS), a computer application which forms part of the Commission's new Human Resources data management system (SYSPER 2).

    The JIS application will be available throughout the Commission before the end of June in order to allow the input of job description data. All job descriptions should be complete by the end of September.

    Libraries of generic job descriptions, as well as a user-friendly interface, will facilitate this exercise and enable the transfer of information from other SYSPER 2 modules.

    In this way, JIS and the Career Development Report (CDR) will be linked, thus making it possible to carry out the annual appraisal of the ability, efficiency and conduct of the jobholder within the framework of their specific job.

    For more information about the guidelines on job descriptions, please consult:

Auteur : Personnel et Administration
Direction A.7 Orientation professionnelle et développement, formation

Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C.4 : Logistique et Services

Page créée le 18/06/2002 14:06:21, dernière modification le 3/07/2002 9:52:42