>> de | en | fr  N° 33-2006 / 22.06.2006


Brussels, 9 June 2006
K.4/AK/MDH REG.D(2006)511452
VM 0189/06

Subject:      Type B education allowance – Applications for the allowance – Advances – academic year 2006/2007 [in application of Article 3 of Annex VII, Article 15 of Annex X and the general implementing provisions]

Officials, temporary and contract agents serving outside the Community are reminded that applications for the education allowance must be renewed for each dependent child and for each academic year by means of the attached form (Annex 1 ). The allowance in question concerns children aged five or over in regular full-time attendance at a primary or secondary school or an establishment of higher education.

The form, duly completed and signed and accompanied by attestations and original supporting documents, must be sent to the competent department [RELEX/K.4] at the latest by 15 November 2006 for children in the northern hemisphere and 15 March 2007 for those in the southern hemisphere. If the form is not returned by the above deadlines the payment of allowances will be suspended.

Allowances will continue to be paid on the basis of the previous academic year until applications for the year in question are processed. Any change considered necessary at that stage will be applied retroactively from the first day of the month during which the change is made.

An advance (80%) on high education costs may be granted at the official's or agent’s request. Please see memo RELEX/K.2 No 514734/VM 150/04 of 7 June 2004 on the new rules. Advances on education costs will only be granted if the file for the previous academic year (school attendance certificates and any advances) is in order.

To avoid delays in the processing of your application, you are asked to ensure that the documents you submit are clear and complete.

Any incomplete file received by our department will be returned to the official with the letter shown below in Annex 2 .

Summary table of administrative steps to be taken by the official/agent to obtain education allowance B

ACTION Annual application + attendance certificate Reimbursement of education costs Advance on education costs Substantiation of advance on education costs
DEADLINE 15 November for northern hemisphere

15 March for southern hemisphere
Applications to be made on a quarterly, six-monthly or annual basis Applications to be made on the basis of the full annual costs where these costs exceed half of the basic monthly salary 6 months from receipt of payment of the advance
DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED Application plus original school attendance certificates (bearing the official stamp of the educational establishment) Originals of invoices and proof of payment Pro-forma invoice of school or establishment giving payment deadlines Originals of invoices and proof of payment

Requests to exceed the maximum limit must be presented together with the application for the 2006/2007 education allowance. Such requests must be accompanied by a note explaining the reasons (the cost of local schools, the lack of choice, imperative educational reasons, etc.) and including any useful documentation that might help in processing the request.

Decisions will be made on the basis of the available budget after all requests to exceed the maximum limit have been examined. For all successful applications, the appointing authority will fix a flat-rate amount, which may be as much as 100% of the eligible costs (see the general implementing provisions).

Decisions will be made on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Price levels and the availability of primary and secondary schools in the place of posting
  • The need to maintain continuity in children's studies
  • The family situation
  • Eligible costs above the maximum limit which are in excess of half the basic monthly salary
  • (Only for officials undergoing retraining:) The child must be in the last two years of secondary schooling.

Please be informed that the application form and the requests for reimbursement of school costs ONLY can be settled on the basis of the original supporting documents. It is therefore no use to send us advance copies by fax or e-mail.

Officials and agents serving outside the Community are invited to read the new general implementing provisions for the granting of the education allowance (Article 3 of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations), http://www.cc.cec/guide/publications/infoadm/2004/ia04053_en.html and the additional measures applicable to officials and agents serving in third countries concerning in particular the maximum limit for the reimbursement of education costs (Article 15 of Annex X) http://www.cc.cec/statut/anglais/ann149.htm.

Stefan Huber

Encl: 1) Application for allowance and form for reimbursement of private transport costs
  2) Model letter to be used when returning files that are incomplete


   Author: RELEX K4