>> en | fr  N° 24-2007 / 25.04x.2007

Brussels, 19th Avril 2007
K.4/ MDH REG(D) 506088 - VM 213/07


Subject: Education allowance A
The 2006/2007 academic year in the northern hemisphere
The 2006 academic year in the southern hemisphere

In the reformed Staff Regulations, Article 3(2) of Annex VII introduces the notion of "education allowance A". This is an allowance for children less than eight years old who do not attend primary school.

Since September 2006, the allowance has been fixed at € 50,36 per month during the second year of the transitional phase as defined in Article 15 of Annex XIII to the Staff Regulations. The allowance will be raised over a four-year period to a maximum of €79,74 per month. The allowance is granted automatically as soon as the official declares the child to the Institution.

Article 15 of Annex X enables officials and contract agents who come within its scope to triple the ceiling laid down in Annex VII, provided they supply supporting documents. The upper limit for reimbursement for the year in question is therefore € 1.812,96 (€ 50,36 x 12 x 3). In exceptional circumstances, the Appointing Authority may allow the ceiling to be exceeded.

Officials and contract agents concerned are asked to submit their 2006/2007 (northern hemisphere) or 2006 (southern hemisphere) request for reimbursement or request to exceed the ceiling by 15 June 2007 at the latest. The request must be accompanied by supporting documents (the original bills, itemised and personalised, a copy of proofs of payment, and an original attendance certificate for each child – Annexes I and II).

The amount reimbursed for requests for a reimbursement within the limit of the ceiling represents the difference between the monthly allowance received through the salary and the limit of the ceiling or € 1.208,64 (€ 1.812,96 - € 604,32 (12 month x € 50,36) = € 1.208,64). The full amount is reimbursed for as long as the eligible fees incurred reach the amount of the ceiling.

Requests to exceed the ceiling will be considered by the Appointing Authority using the following criteria, in order of priority:
  1. Cases where prices are exceptionally high for pre-primary educational establishments in the place of posting, and where eligible expenses exceed the basic salary of the official/contract agent. Eligible costs (after deduction of the annual allowance of 12 month x € 50,36 = € 604,32) are fees and enrolment costs in pre-primary educational establishments, excluding transport and meals;
  2. Pre-primary educational establishments following an international curriculum are prioritised if attendance is obligatory to ensure continuity in the child’s studies or guarantee the child a place at the primary level in the same school;
  3. The official/agent’s family situation.

The available budget for the 2007 financial year is very limited. Therefore, the number of the Appointing Authority’s decisions to grant an exceptional reimbursement in excess of the ceiling will be very few and probably limited to reimbursements of only part of the fees.

I would draw your attention to the fact that 23 exceptional reimbursements were made for the 2005/2006 school year using the above criteria representing 17% of all requests. I ask colleagues who clearly do not meet the necessary conditions and criteria not to apply for the ceiling to be exceeded.

The measure involves extra work for managers at Headquarters, so try to show understanding if there are delays in decisions and reimbursement. Please complete the forms in Annexes I and II and be sure to include all the necessary information. This will speed the processing of your file. Any incomplete file received by our department will be returned to the official/contract agent with the letter shown below in Annex III.

Stefan Huber
Head of Unit

Encl: Annex I (the application form),
Annex II (attendance certificate),
Annex III (model letter to be used when returning files that are incomplete).


   Author: RELEX.K4