>> de | en | fr  N° 34-2007 / 18.06.2007

Brussels, 6 June 2007



This notice is the call for applications for the 2007 exercise of early retirement without reduction of pension rights.


In accordance with Article 9(2) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations and Article 39 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants, a limited number of officials and temporary staff are allowed to retire before the pensionable age without reduction of pension rights.

The Commission adopted the provisions implementing a scheme for early retirement without reduction of pension rights on 28 April 2004 by decision C(2004) 1588, which can be found in administrative notice No 63-2004 of 11 June 2004. The general implementing provisions ("GIP”) are available at:


By decision of 10 August 2006, the Commission amended these implementing provisions. The text of the new GIP can be found in administrative notice No 56-2006 of 20 November 2006 and is available at:


Potential number of staff who will be able to retire in the 2007 exercise without a reduction of pension rights

The Commission will be able to allow a maximum of 42 (forty-two) officials and temporary staff to retire in the 2007 exercise without a reduction of pension rights. This number is equivalent to the quota attributed to the Commission as a result of inter-institutional negotiations.

Who can apply?

To be eligible for the 2007 exercise, officials and temporary staff must:

- be at least 55 years old on 1 January 2008;

- be unable to retire without a reduction in pension rights in the course of 2007;

- have completed at least 10 years' service on 1 January 2008 1.

On the closing date for submission of applications, i.e. 8 July 2007 officials must be:

  1. in active employment, on leave for military service or on parental or family leave (within the meaning of Article 35 of the Staff Regulations), or
  2. seconded in the interest of the service (within the meaning of Article 37(a) of the Staff Regulations).

On the closing date for submission of applications, i.e. 8 July 2007, temporary staff must be in active employment or on parental or family leave.

For the purpose of determining the period of service, only periods of active employment, secondment in the interest of the service, leave for military service or parental or family leave will be taken into consideration.

When will the selected applicants retire from the Commission?

The applicants given the right to retire early must leave the Commission before 1 January 2008 at the latest. However, because of the tight timetable, the date may be postponed provided that this is compatible with the interest of the service.

How to apply?

Those wishing to apply should complete, by 8 July 2007 at the latest, the online application form at


from outside the Commission:


Only applications completed and validated online will be considered.

Applicants for earlier exercises who were not allowed to retire early under these arrangements must submit a new application if they wish to take part in this exercise. In such cases applicants should note that the appraisal of their earlier application has no effect on the appraisal for this exercise.

Those interested should consult the Frequently Asked Questions at:


Any further questions or queries of a more personal nature may be sent by e-mail to

ADMIN A4 Early Retirement.

Officials and temporary staff interested in applying are invited to:

  • read carefully the general implementing provisions of 28 April 2004 (administrative notice No 63-2004 of 11 June 2004) and the decision of 10 August 2006 amending them (administrative notice No 56-2006 of 20 November 2006), and Article 9(2) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations and Article 39 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants;

  • ensure that they satisfy the conditions (see Article 2 of the Commission decision of 10 August 2006 amending Article 4 of the Commission decision of 28 April 2004);

  • take note of the criteria to be applied for the selection of the candidates (see Article 5 of the Commission decision of 28 April 2004 as amended by Article 3 of the Commission decision of 10 August 2006);

  • submit their application by filling in the online application form available at:


    from outside the Commission:


    by no later than 8 July 2007.

The planned timetable for the subsequent stages of the procedure is as follows:

  • July 2007: DGs and other services appraise the electronic applications and send DG ADMIN the list of applicants in three groups depending on whether the interest of the service in the measure being applied to the person concerned is considered to be high, low or non-existent. Applicants in the first and second groups are ranked by order of priority.
  • September 2007: DG ADMIN draws up a draft list of a maximum of 42 applicants and a draft reserve list;
  • October 2007: the Joint Committee (COPAR) gives its opinion on the draft lists;
  • November 2007: the appointing authority adopts the list of persons selected, which will then be published as an administrative notice, and a reserve list. Following an opinion issued by the European Data Protection Supervisor, the reserve list will not be published, for data protection reasons. Applicants will be informed in writing of the decision taken in their case. Those selected will have ten working days from the date of notification to withdraw their application if they so wish.

The treatment of personal data in the context of this exercise has been notified by DG ADMIN to the Data Protection Officer. For further information on this aspect, I would ask you to take note of the information contained in the message which appears when accessing the online application form:


from outside the Commission:



Claude CHÊNE


(1) Years of service for which a severance grant has been paid will not be taken into account for assessing the eligibility requirement of 10 years' service.


   Author: ADMIN A4