>> de | en | fr  N° 26-2008 / 16.05.2008

Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme

Sickness insurance cover for spouses/recognised partners who are self-employed in Belgium

In Belgium, up until the end of 2007, sickness cover for the self-employed was split between major risks (treatments in hospitals) and minor risks (consultations, medication, etc outside hospitals). They were only obliged under Belgian law to take out major risk insurance. Insurance against minor risks was optional.

Anyone setting up as self-employed since 1 July 2006 has been offered minor risk insurance free of charge.

Since 1 January 2008 it is obligatory under Belgian law for the self employed to take out major and minor risk insurance. Those who have been receiving minor risk insurance free of charge since 1 July 2006 will have to pay for it as from 1 January 2008. The sickness cover through the Belgian national system will therefore be identical for the self employed and for salaried employees.

Those who were excluded from taking out minor risk insurance because they set up as self employed over the age of 50 are allowed to start subscribing to minor risk insurance as from 1 January 2008, including those who have since retired and were still excluded from minor risk insurance, as long as their contributions for major risk insurance is in order.

This will have the following consequences on the sickness cover offered by the JSIS to self-employed spouses/recognised partners and their children:

  1. Those spouses/recognised partners who have benefited from primary cover because they were excluded from minor risk insurance will no longer be entitled to primary cover for minor risks but will be able to benefit from complementary cover (for both major and minor risks) as long as their annual taxable income does not exceed the ceiling for a spouse's/recognised partner's income (please see Administrative Notice 36-2007). A new version will be published shortly.
  2. Those spouses/recognised partners who were not entitled to any cover with the JSIS because they chose not to take out their own minor risk insurance will now be eligible for complementary cover as long as their annual taxable income does not exceed the ceiling for spouse's/recognised partners’ income (please see Administrative Notice 36-2007). If you wish to take advantage of this offer, please send proof of your spouse’s/partner’s annual taxable income to the Membership Team in your Settlements Office (see our website for list of contacts). Please note that the only proof we can accept is the latest “Avertissement – Extrait de Rôle / Aanslagbiljet over de inkomsten” in your spouse’s/partner’s possession.
  3. Those spouses/recognised partners who benefit from complementary cover will no longer have to provide proof every year that they have their own minor risk insurance.
  4. Dependent children will now be able to be covered by the Belgian health insurance system without it leading to any increase in contributions (as is already the case for those spouses/recognised partners with employee status in Belgium). This means that your dependent children who have up to now benefited from primary cover under the JSIS are no longer be eligible for primary cover but are eligible for complementary cover under the JSIS.

    We will be contacting those concerned individually in the coming months to issue end-of-cover certificates indicating the children’s end of cover with the JSIS. Your spouse/recognised partner should give these certificates to his/her “mutuelle/mutualiteit” and ask for your children to be covered through him/her. The children will automatically be encoded as benefiting from our complementary cover from then on.

    Of course, if there is any problem enrolling your children in the “mutuelle/ mutualiteit”, or if you are asked to pay extra contributions for your children's basic health cover, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.

If you wish to take the initiative and enrol your children with the Belgian health system before we have contacted you, please write to your Membership Team to request the end-of-cover certificates you'll need:
PMO-RCAM-BRU-ATTESTATION@ec.europa.eu (for those covered by the Brussels Settlements Office)
Nicole.vanVijle@consilium.europa.eu (for active staff in the Council of Ministers)
PMO-RCAM-LUX-AFFIL@ec.europa.eu (for the European Parliament and those covered by the Luxembourg Settlements Office)
PMO-RCAM-IPR-AFFIL@ec.europa.eu (for those covered by the Ispra Settlements Office)

Please indicate the following details:

Your name, personnel/pension number and whether you need the certificate in French or in Dutch.
If you have any questions, please call PMO Contact on +32-2-29.97777 or send them an e-mail: PMO-CONTACT@ec.europa.eu


   Author: PMO