>> de | en | fr  N° 43-2008 / 11.11.2008


Implementing rules

The certification procedure allows officials, members of the Assistants' function group (AST), with no career restriction and in grades 5 upwards, to be appointed to an Administrator (AD) job and become members of the AD function group.

The 2008 certification exercise shall be implemented on the basis of the general implementing provisions(1) (GIPs) adopted by the Commission on 20 November 2007 and according to the modalities defined in the two following decisions of the appointing authority:

  • Decision on the number of officials authorised to follow the training programme, setting the number at 110;
  • Decision defining the detailed rules for applying the admission, ranking and pre-selection criteria.

These two decisions are published hereafter.

Annex 1

Decision of the Appointing authority on the number of
officials authorised to follow the training programme

Each year, after consultation of the joint committee for the certification procedure, the appointing authority is to determine(2) the number of officials to be authorised to take part in the compulsory training programme referred to in Article 45a, paragraph 1, of the Staff Regulations.

For the 2008 certification exercise, the number of officials authorised to follow the training programme is set at 110 in accordance with the appointing authority's decision of 3 November 2008. The joint committee for the certification procedure was consulted on 31 October 2008.

Annex 2

Decision of the appointing authority laying down the detailed rules
for applying the admission, ranking and pre-selection criteria

Each year, after consultation of the joint committee for the certification procedure, the appointing authority is to determine(3) the detailed rules for applying the admission criteria on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. considering the needs of the services, a minimum seniority of 3 years in grade 5 or above – excluding the C or D career paths;
  2. one or several annual career development report(s) – "CDRs" – must contain the positive assessment of the potential required to take on the functions of an administrator.

Following the admission phase, the appointing authority shall rank(4) the admitted candidates on the basis of the following criteria:

  • merit as indicated in the annual CDRs;
  • the level of education as demonstrated by officially recognised qualifications/ diplomas;
  • recent professional experience acquired in the institutions in those fields where the Commission has identified particular needs.

On this basis, the appointing authority is to establish two lists:

  • a first list combining merit and level of education;
  • a second list combining merit and recent professional experience.

The highest-ranked candidates on the two lists, down to a ranking decided according to the number of officials authorised to follow the training, are pre-selected.

For the 2008 certification exercise, the detailed rules for applying the admission criteria, the number of candidates to pre-select on each list and the detailed rules for applying the ranking criteria are set out in the appointing authority's decision of 3 November 2008 and are detailed below. The joint committee for the certification procedure was consulted on 31 October 2008.


    Officials in the AST function group in grade 5 upwards, who are appointed to a permanent post in the Commission and who, on the date of publication of the call for applications for the 2008 certification exercise, are seconded in the interests of the service, in active employment, on parental or on family leave shall be admitted provided they meet both of the two following conditions:
    • Have seniority in grade 5 or above of at least 3 years as at 16 January 2009. Account shall be taken of seniority acquired as temporary staff member provided that there was no break between periods of service as temporary staff member and as permanent official. Seniority acquired in AST career with restriction (C and D career paths) and periods of leave on personal grounds will not be taken into account.
    • The potential required to take on the functions of an administrator must be positively assessed in at least one of the annual CDRs covering the years 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.(5)

    2.1. Merit points

    • An average of the 3 best merit marks obtained for the 6 last evaluation periods is calculated.(6)
    • All the merit marks are taken into account, applying a pro rata according to the period covered by partial CDRs.
    • Probation reports and CDRs covering periods when the official was in the C or D career path are not taken into account.

    2.2. Level of education

    The candidates will be awarded points according to their level of education as demonstrated by officially recognised qualifications/diplomas as follows:

    Highest level of education of the candidate

    a) Primary education 0
    b) Secondary education (not giving access to higher education)
    c) Secondary education (giving access to higher education) 2
    d) Higher education (higher non-university degree or short university cycle of a legal duration of at least 2 years) 4
    e) University level education of a legal duration of at least 3 years 6
    f) University level education of a legal duration of at least 4 years 8
    g) University level education – third stage

    The officials will have to state the title of the highest diploma they obtained, the authority which delivered it and the year when it was obtained. If needed, they will have to complete their personal file with the originals of their qualifications or copies certified as true. The candidates who obtained different diplomas will only be granted the points corresponding to the highest education level they reached.

    2.3. Recent professional experience acquired in the institutions in fields where the Commission has identified needs

    The Commission has identified the following 17 areas of need:

    (1) Planning, quality management and evaluation;
    (2) Policies;
    (3) Legal;
    (4) Inter-institutional relations;
    (5) External relations;
    (6) Information, communication and publications;
    (7) Budget, finance and contracts;
    (8) Programmes, projects, actions and funds;
    (9) Compliance and infringement handling;
    (10) Statistics;
    (11) Control and inspection;
    (12) Audit;
    (13) Analysis and advice;
    (14) Scientific research;
    (15) Human resources management;
    (16) Linguistics;
    (17) Information technology.

    0 to 17 points will be awarded as follows to officials who have acquired professional experience within the Institutions over the last 10 years in the above-mentioned areas of need:

    • 2 points will be awarded for every full year of professional experience acquired between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2008; if the professional experience acquired does not amount to a full year, 2 twelfths of a point will be awarded for every full month.
    • 1,25 point will be awarded for every full year of professional experience acquired between 1 January 1999 and 31 December 2002; if the professional experience acquired does not amount to a full year, 1,25/12ths of a point will be awarded for every full month.
    • Only professional experience acquired as an official or temporary member (even if there was a break between the periods of service as a temporary member of staff and as a permanent official) on posts of "Administrative assistant", equivalent (as stated in the CDRs or notation reports) or higher level will be taken into account.
    • The candidates will have to declare in their application, for each activity period between 1 January 1999 and 31 December 2008, the beginning and end dates, the Directorate general and the unit, the link with one of the areas of need, the functions, tasks and responsibilities taken on. When a professional experience is relating to more than one area of need, the candidate will opt for the most relevant one.

    3.1. Two scores for each admitted candidate

    Each candidate admitted to the 2008 certification exercise shall be awarded two scores on the basis of the points defined under point 2 above and of the following weighting:

    SCORE 1 Combining the points granted for merit (with a weighting of 60%) and the points granted for the recent professional experience in the areas of need (with a weighting of 40%)

    SCORE 2 Combining the points granted for merit (with a weighting of 60%) and the points granted for the level of education demonstrated by an officially recognised qualification/diploma (with a weighting of 40%)

    3.2. Two lists established by the appointing authority

    The appointing authority shall rank the admitted candidates and establish the two following lists:

    LIST 1 Ranking of the admitted candidates according to scores 1 (combining points granted for merit and for recent professional experience in the areas of need)

    LIST 2 Ranking of the admitted candidates according to scores 2 (combining the points granted for merit and for the level of education demonstrated by an officially recognised qualification/diploma)


    4.1. Number of admitted candidates to pre-select

    The number of candidates to pre-select is twice the number of officials authorised to follow the training programme as a result of the 2008 certification exercise (set at 110): therefore, a minimum of 220 admitted candidates to pre-select.

    4.2. Pre-selection of the highest-ranked candidates on the 2 lists

    The pre-selected candidates shall be the highest-ranked candidates on the two lists as follows:
    • the 132 (i.e. 60% of 220) highest-ranked candidates on list 1; and
    • the 88 (i.e. 40% of 220) highest-ranked candidates on list 2.

    A unique list shall contain the names of the candidates pre-selected on the basis of the 2 lists.

    If more than one candidate obtain the same number of points as the candidates ranked respectively in the 132th and 88th position, all candidates shall be pre-selected.

    The unique list with the names of the candidates pre-selected on the basis of the two rankings shall be published in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 4, of the GIPs.

    If a candidate is pre-selected on the basis of the two rankings – i.e. a candidate whose respective raking is better or equals to the 132th and 88th position– he/she will be on the draft list of pre-selected candidates. The appointing authority shall take into account the number of candidates in such a situation in order to make sure that a minimum of 220 candidates are pre-selected. If needed, the draft list shall be completed by adding the name of the official positioned immediately below the last provisionally pre-selected candidates from both lists, while complying with the breakdown referred to above.


    For the professional experience acquired between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2008, the candidates whose name appear on the final list of pre-selected candidates shall be invited to provide certifications signed by the Head of the Human Resources Unit for the department in which their acquired that professional experience, confirming the accuracy of the information supplied.

(1) Decision C(2007) 5694 of 20 November 2007 laying down the general provisions for implementing Article 45a of the Staff Regulations.
(2) On the basis of Article 4 of the GIPs.
(3) On the basis of Article 5, paragraph 1, of the GIPs.
(4) On the basis of Article 5, paragraph 3, of the GIPs.
(5) An annual CDR is a report covering a period ending on 31st December.
(6) The 6 last evaluation periods are: 2001-02, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. Merit marks obtained in
a pro rata according to the period covered.
the annual CDRs as well as merit marks obtained in partial CDRs shall be taken into account, applying


   Author: ADMIN A6