>> de | en | fr  N° 1-2009 / 07.01.2009


Reference period: 1 January to 31 December 2008

This administrative notice explains the different aspects of the new appraisal and promotion system (1).

This 2009 appraisal and promotion exercise will be conducted on the basis of the new general provisions for implementing Article 43 and Article 45 of the Staff Regulations, adopted by the Commission on 18 June 2008.

The new system is based on the following principles: the merit points are replaced by five performance levels (IA, IB, II, III, and IV) which reflect all aspects of the annual performance of officials and temporary staff. In the interests of harmonising the evaluation of the efficiency, abilities and conduct of Commission staff, new common appraisal standards are introduced for the current exercise.

The appraisal will directly affect promotion because for each performance level (except level IV for which the jobholder did not meet the expected level of performance) there is a corresponding range of three promotion points that are awarded on the basis of precise criteria. These promotion points will in future be the only points that count for the promotion exercise. Because most of the promotion thresholds will be fixed and known in advance, officials will be able to predict their career development more easily.

The appraisal and promotion exercises will take place at the same time, and the new structure of the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committees will make the appeal procedures less cumbersome. All appeals against appraisal reports and promotion points are dealt with in a single stage by two Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committees, organised centrally (one for ADs, the other for ASTs). The committees are also responsible for overseeing the smooth running of the appraisal and promotion exercises.


    The performance of Commission staff is evaluated every year. This evaluation is the subject of an individual report – the appraisal report – which is produced using the Sysper2 computer application.

    1.1 Who has to be appraised?

    All officials and temporary staff (jobholders) who were in active employment(2) or on secondment in the interests of the service for a continuous period of at least one month in 2008 have to be appraised. Contract staff are appraised under separate rules.

    • A report does not have to be drafted for jobholders who left the Community institutions in 2008 or who are going to leave in 2009, unless they request one from their reporting officer in writing.
    • This annual exercise does not affect those holding posts of Director-General or equivalent, or Director or equivalent; they will be assessed according to special rules.

    1.2 Tools for the appraisal

    1.2.1 Objectives and assessment criteria

    The reporting officers must make sure that objectives are set for each official and member of the temporary staff, because these serve as the basis for assessing their efficiency. The objectives must be consistent with the work programme of the DG and the unit and the jobholder's job description. They must be accompanied by criteria for assessing the results and an explanation of when they will be considered to have been met.

    1.2.2 Common appraisal standards

    The common appraisal standards must be applied in all Commission departments. They have been revised by the DG ADMIN following consultation with the various departments and the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Monitoring Committee. They were published in Administrative Notice No IA No 22-2008 with a view to being used from the 2009 appraisal exercise onwards.

    The standards will be used to assess efficiency, abilities and conduct in the service. Their aim is to harmonise staff appraisals within a DG, to facilitate the dialogue between the reporting officer and the jobholder and to ensure that appraisals are comparable across all DGs. With the agreement of DG ADMIN, DGs may, if necessary, supplement the standards at the beginning of the reference period in order to cover specific aspects related to their work. In that case they must be published for the staff of that DG at the beginning of the reference period.

    There is a single description per standard which reflects the performance level expected of each jobholder. The reporting officer chooses from the range of standards available the ones that apply to the jobholder. The reporting officer and the countersigning officer will determine whether the jobholder has reached, exceeded or failed to reach the level described and decide, in the light of this, on the appraisal to be given.

    1.3 What period does the new appraisal exercise cover?

    The reference period runs from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

    If the jobholder or reporting officer moves during the reference period, the reporting officer will write a contribution to the appraisal in Sysper2, which will be taken into account by the reporting officer responsible for the annual report.
    For the 2009 exercise, the contributions of reporting officers figure in the simplified or intermediate reports established in the course of 2008.

    1.4 The appraisal report and the five performance levels

    The appraisal report(3) brings together the information relating to the jobholder's individual performance during the reference period.

    There is a section for the jobholder to insert a self-assessment.

    The report itself is divided into three sections, in which the reporting officer comments on:

    • Efficiency: assessed in the light of the individual objectives and assessment criteria set for each jobholder at the beginning of the reference period. To what extent has the jobholder attained the objectives, taking into account the work situation? The common appraisal standards for organising, planning and performing work and ensuring quality must also be used.
    • Abilities: assessed on the basis of the common appraisal standards relating to communication, negotiation skills, analysing problems and applying solutions and awareness of the working environment. In the case of jobholders in management positions, their skills in leadership, people management and financial resources management must also be appraised.
    • Conduct in the service describes the jobholder's behaviour in the working environment. The common appraisal standards cover aspects such as the ability to work in a team, service culture, commitment to the job, personal development and leadership.

    The comments are summarised by one of the five performance levels below:

    IA ® The jobholder's performance constantly exceeded expectations*.
    IB ® The jobholder's performance frequently exceeded expectations*.
    II ® The jobholder's performance fully met expectations*.
    III ® The jobholder's performance partly met expectations*.
    IV ® The jobholder's performance failed to meet expectations*.
    * in terms of efficiency, abilities and conduct in the service.

    Maximum percentages apply to each DG for performance level IA (8% of officials in each grade) and IB (22% of officials in each grade). The result of applying these percentages is systematically rounded up to the nearest whole number, so a second check is carried out at the level of each function group to ensure that the percentages are adhered to.

    1.5 Assessing the demonstration of potential for the purpose of the certification procedure

    When completing their self-assessment, AST function-group officials with no career restriction who wish to apply for the certification procedure must ask their reporting officer to fill in the section marked "Potential".

    The "potential" section of the appraisal report only has to be filled in if the jobholder explicitly requests it in his self-assessment.

    Using a drop-down menu, the reporting officer indicates what administrator level tasks the jobholder took on in the course of 2008 (see guidelines on the website "certification, exercise 2008"). Where appropriate, the reporting officer will indicate any occasions on which the jobholder has shown the potential to become a good administrator through his efficiency, ability or conduct in the service.

    It will be up to the countersigning officer to decide, on the basis of the reporting officer’s comments, whether or not the jobholder has shown the potential to become a good administrator.

    1.6 What are the implementing rules?

    The general provisions for implementing Article 43 of the Staff Regulations, adopted by the Commission on 18 June 2008, will apply to the annual appraisal reports covering the year 2008 for officials and temporary staff paid from both the administrative budget and the research budget of the Commission.

    For personnel assigned to the external service of the Commission, the decision of the Commission of 19 December 2008 regarding appraisal and promotion modalities applies.

    A promotion exercise is organised each year. It entails awarding promotion points and drawing up a list of the officials promoted.

    Promotion points are the only points that count for the promotion exercise. All other types of points, such as priority points awarded by the DGs (PPDG) or in the interests of the institutions (PPII), compensation points for leave on personal grounds or career delay, have been abolished.

    2.1 Who takes part in the promotion exercise?

    The promotion exercise applies to all officials paid from appropriations in the general budget, with the exception of grades AST11, AST7/C and AST5/D, and officials in grades higher than AD13.

    There is no promotion exercise for temporary staff or for contract staff (special rules apply to the reclassification exercise for contract staff).

    2.2 Promotion points and criteria for awarding them

    Officials may be awarded:
    • 10, 11 or 12 promotion points if their performance corresponds to performance level IA;
    • 7, 8 or 9 promotion points if their performance corresponds to performance level IB;
    • 4, 5 or 6 promotion points if their performance corresponds to performance level II;
    • 1, 2 or 3 promotion points if their performance corresponds to performance level III;
    • no promotion points if their performance corresponds to performance level IV.

    The following are eligible for promotion points:

    • officials who, in the year before the promotion exercise, were in active employment (this includes sick leave, maternity, parental or family leave, leave for military service) or seconded in the interests of the service;
    • probationary officials whose probation period ended no later than 31 December 2008 .

    At the beginning of each year the Director-General, having consulted the Directors and Heads of Unit, draws up the list of criteria for awarding promotion points. These criteria take account of four elements:

    • the qualitative appraisal covering the year preceding the promotion exercise;
    • the official's use, in the course of his work, of languages other than the one for which he produced evidence of a thorough knowledge at the time of his recruitment;
    • the level of responsibilities during the reference period;
    • the tasks performed in the interests of the institution, in so far as these are not part of the official's normal activities; these tasks no longer give rise to the allocation of PPII, but they are among the criteria to be taken into consideration for awarding promotion points.

    These tasks are:

    • chair/member of a competition selection board or joint committee for the selection of temporary staff,
    • advisor to a selection board,
    • marker of competition papers,
    • chair/member of a joint committee.

    Each DG will inform its staff of the detailed criteria for awarding promotion points.

    Information about the use of languages and level of responsibilities will be included in the appraisal report for each official. In the case of tasks performed in the interests of the institution, the information will be collected centrally by DG ADMIN from EPSO, from the chair of the joint committees and from the DGs. The list of officials who have carried out the tasks referred to above will be published in an administrative notice.

    2.3 Promotion thresholds

    2.3.1    All grades, except end-of-career grades (AD12, AST10, AST6/C and AST4/D)

    The general provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations provide for a convergence plan for the period 2008-2011. This specifies the pace at which the transition will be made from the "historic" promotion speeds in the period 2000-2004 to the speeds resulting from the multiplication rates set out in Annex IB to the Staff Regulations.

    For each year, the convergence plan gives the average waiting time in each grade before promotion. The waiting time is the basis for calculating the promotion threshold using the following formula:

    Average waiting time x average number of promotion points awarded per official
    = promotion threshold.

    The advantage of such an approach is that it makes it possible to calculate the promotion threshold in advance.

    All officials with a number of points higher than or equal to the promotion threshold and who fulfil the conditions specified under point 2.6 will be promoted.

      2009 promotion thresholds
    AD13 30
    AD11 30
    AD10 27
    AD09 24
    AD08 23
    AD07 18
    AD06 18
    AD05 18
    AST09 30
    AST08 31
    AST07 24
    AST06 24
    AST05 24
    AST04 18
    AST03 18
    AST02 18
    AST01 18
    AST05.C 35
    AST04.C 27
    AST03.C 24
    AST02.C 24
    AST03.D 27

    2.3.2 End-of-career grades (AD12, AST10, AST6/C and AST4/D)

    There is no historic average waiting time for end-of-career grades. The annual thresholds for these grades will be announced at the official launch of the exercise, but will remain indicative until the end of the promotion exercise. By promoting the specified number of officials, the definitive threshold will be determined by the number of points obtained by the last official promoted.

    If budgetary constraints make it impossible to promote all the officials who have accumulated exactly the same number of points as the threshold, the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee will suggest which of them can be promoted, by referring to subsidiary criteria such as seniority in the grade and considerations related to equal opportunities or the nature of the tasks performed.

    However, the Staff Regulations do provide for a gradual increase in the annual promotion rates for the end-of-career grades until 2011, which means that the number of promotions will increase significantly in the years to come.


    Indicative promotion thresholds

    AD12 48
    AST10 52
    AST06.C 47
    AST04.D 52

    2.4 Accumulation of points in the rucksack

    The promotion points (between 1 and 12) awarded each year on the basis of the official's appraisal report and of the criteria for awarding promotion points laid down by the Director-General are collected in a rucksack.

    After promotion, the number of points corresponding to the promotion threshold is deducted from the total number of points accumulated. The balance, if any, is carried over to the next promotion exercise.

    2.5 Quotas of promotion points by performance level, grade and DG

    The total number of promotion points available for each DG for each grade and performance level is as follows:

    Performance level Promotion points available by performance level
    IA 10.5 points per official in level IA
    IB 7.5 points per official in level IB
    II 5.1 points per official in level II
    III 2 points per official in level III
    IV 0 points

    The points are calculated by grade only; points cannot be transferred from one grade to another. The results are rounded up to the nearest whole number.

    If the quota of points available for a performance level in certain grades is not enough to allow at least one official to be awarded the highest number of possible promotion points for the performance level in question, the Director-General may request a derogation from the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee.

    2.6 Who will be promoted?

    An official may be promoted if:

    • by 31 December of the year of the promotion exercise, at the latest, he has achieved the minimum seniority in the grade required by the Staff Regulation (two years);
    • he has demonstrated his ability to work in a third language if the promotion takes effect after the 1st of May 2004 and it is the first promotion;
    • he is in active employment (this includes sick leave, maternity, parental or family leave and military service) or seconded in the interests of the service on the date of adoption of the promotion decisions by the appointing authority;
    • his performance has not been rated at level IV (underperformance).

    Any decision on the promotion of an official who is the subject of disciplinary proceedings will be suspended until the results of those proceedings are known.

    2.7 When does the promotion take effect?

    Promotions will take effect on 1 January of the year of the promotion exercise. If the official does not have the required minimum seniority on that date, the promotion will take effect on the first day of the month following that in which he attains the seniority required.

    2.8 Demonstrating the capacity to work in a third language

    For further details an additional Administrative Notice will be published in January 2009.

    All officials whose first promotion after recruitment takes effect after 30 April 2006 are required to demonstrate the ability to work in a third language.

    New!      With effect from the 2009 exercise, the minimum requirement is level 6 of an interinstitutional language course.

    If an official has reached level 4 (the level required during the transition period, which ends on 31 December 2008) but has not been promoted, he will have to demonstrate that he has achieved level 6 before being promoted.

    2.9 What are the implementing rules?

    The general provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations, adopted by the Commission on 18 June 2008, apply to the promotion of officials paid from either the administrative budget or the research budget.

    With the exception of Article 9(3), these general provisions do not apply to promotions resulting from an appointment following the publication of a vacancy notice under Article 29(1)(a)(iii) of the Staff Regulations (management posts).


    Starting this year, the appraisal and promotion processes will take place at the same time. The exercise for 2008 will be launched on 7 January 2009. Generally speaking the annual appraisal reports should be finalised by 20 May, enabling the appointing authority to decide promotions by the end of July. For staff in the external service there is a separate procedure with its own timetable.

    The appraisal and promotion procedure is managed using the secure IT application Sysper2. Every official has an appraisal file and a promotion file, which form an integral part of the official’s personal file. An official has access to the system via a personal, secret password. The appraisal file comprises all the appraisal reports entered in Sysper2, and the promotion file shows the number of promotion points awarded in the course of the current exercise and the total number of points accumulated. Jobholders who know they will be unable to access Sysper2 over a long period can communicate in writing through other channels.

    3.1 Actors

    Person(s) concerned

    Jobholder The person to be appraised
    Reporting officer The jobholder’s line manager (usually the Head of Unit) at the end of the period covered by the report (31 December)
    Countersigning officer The reporting officer’s immediate superior (usually the Director); the person who is to be countersigning officer is determined at the time the countersigning officer appears in the appraisal process
    Appeal assessor In most cases this will be the Director General; the appeal assessor is likewise determined at the time at which he first appears in the process
    Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee A joint committee for each function group (one for ADs and one for ASTs); each committee has seven joint working parties (one per group of DGs or services)
    Director In the context of the promotion exercise, the Director is determined at the time he first appears in the promotion process
    Director-General For the purposes of the promotion exercise, the Director General establishes his formal intentions for the award of promotion points
    Appointing authority (promotion) For the purposes of the promotion exercise, the appointing authority is the Director-General for Personnel and Administration.

    3.2 What are the steps in the procedure?

    3.2.1 Self-assessment

    The reporting officer asks the jobholder to write a self-assessment; the jobholder has eight working days in which to do so. The jobholder should make use of the common appraisal standards. With an eye to the promotion procedure, the jobholder is also asked to comment on his level of responsibility and to list the languages he actually uses in the execution of his duties in response to the requirements of the service.

    If the jobholder has been elected or designated to represent staff, he should mention the fact in his self-assessment. In that case the self assessment should be divided in two, so that the reporting officer can consult the ad hoc group regarding the work the jobholder has done as a staff representative. That consultation takes place outside Sysper2.

    Specific rules for officials who are absented on a full time or half time basis to work for the staff representation are set out in the general provisions for implementing Article 43 and Article 45.

    Days of justified absence (for missions, leave, illness, …) are to be deducted from the time-limits given to job holders during the procedure.

    3.2.2 Dialogue

    After receiving the self assessment, the reporting officer holds a dialogue with the jobholder. They discuss the appraisal of the jobholder’s performance in 2008, the objectives to be set for 2009, and an updating of training needs for 2009 and perhaps beyond. The objectives set for 2009 must be measurable and consistent with the work programme of the DG and the unit.

    If the self assessment refers to staff representation work for which the jobholder has been elected or designated, the reporting officer must have consulted the ad hoc group. He must have received the opinion of the ad hoc group before the dialogue can take place.

    During the dialogue the reporting officer does not indicate a performance level.

    3.2.3 The reporting officer draws up the qualitative report

    In the ten working days following the dialogue the reporting officer drafts a qualitative report. As input he has the self-assessment, the discussion at the dialogue, the objectives for the reference period, and the common appraisal standards. He should take account of any intermediate reports or simplified reports made by other reporting officers in the course of 2008 (see paragraph 4.2), and of the opinion of the ad hoc group if any was called for.

    3.2.4 The countersigning officer examines the report and the jobholder’s comments

    The countersigning officer examines the comments in the report and checks that the standards have been applied; he then confirms or supplements the qualitative appraisal, and sends it to the jobholder, who has five working days in which to respond. Any comments by the jobholder are sent back to the countersigning officer.

    3.2.5 The countersigning officer proposes a performance level, and the Director proposes promotion points

    On the basis of the suggestions of reporting officers and the content of the qualitative appraisals, the countersigning officer proposes a performance level for each official and member of the temporary staff.

    The Director proposes promotion points for each official on the basis of the performance level indicated by the countersigning officers.

    3.2.6 Coordination

    The Director-General, acting in consultation with senior management, identifies the officials in each grade whose performance corresponds to levels IA and IB, and draws up his provisional formal intentions for the promotion points to be awarded. These are entered in the Sysper2 module. This coordination stage identifies any grades where the quota of points available for a performance level does not allow the highest number of promotion points laid down for that performance level to be awarded to at least one official. A request for exemption may be submitted to the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee to allow the quotas of promotion points to be increased in the problem grades.

    3.2.7 Consultation of the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee

    The Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committees will meet within five working days of the transmission by DG ADMIN of a statistical analysis of the proposals made by the DGs. The Committees have eight working days in which to send any recommendations they wish to make to the DGs. These recommendations are brought to the notice of staff by means of an administrative notice.
    The Joint Committees will also consider any requests for exemption submitted by the DGs. If the Committee agrees, the quotas of promotion points are adjusted accordingly in Sysper2.

    3.2.8 Appraisal reports and promotion points finalised

    Following the recommendations of the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee, the Director-General may confirm or amend the list of officials in performance levels IA and IB, and confirm or amend his formal intentions for the award of promotion points.

    DG ADMIN will then check that the maximum percentages laid down for levels IA and IB and the quotas of promotion points available have been complied with.

    Once DG ADMIN has given its agreement, the countersigning officers countersign all the appraisal reports by function group. This sends the reports to the jobholders.

    The Director-General countersigns the promotion lists at the same time, and makes them accessible to the jobholders.

    3.2.9 The jobholder accepts or refuses the report and the promotion points

    The jobholder has eight working days to accept his appraisal report, with or without comments, and the promotion points, or to refuse either or both. Acceptance closes the report; refusal moves the report to appeal.

    3.2.10 Specific provisions for the External Service

    Each jobholder has two countersigning officers who jointly assume this role. In cases of disagreement between the first and the second countersigning officer, the final decision shall rest with the second countersigning officer.

    The External Service Steering Committee shall, upon proposal by the Director-General for External Relations on the basis of the individual qualitative appraisals, identify for all jobholders those whose performance during the reporting period corresponds to performance level IA and IB. It equally approves the provisional formal intentions regarding the allocation of promotion points.

    3.3 Timetable for the general exercise

    Actors Action Deadline Timetable 2009
    ADMIN Launches exercise by means of an administrative notice   7 January
    Director-General +
    Discussion of performances within the DG, in each grade, over the reference period   12 January

    Director-General Publishes common appraisal standards and any standards specific to the DG for the following year   no later than end of  February
    Announces the criteria for awarding promotion points
    Reporting officer or human resources manager Creates reports in Sysper2   from 8 January
    Jobholder Self-assessment 8 working days until 4 February
    Jobholder + reporting officer Dialogue: assessment of the jobholder’s performance over the reference period; setting of objectives for the year; updating of training needs   4 - 20 February
    Reporting officer Drafts report on quality of performance (no indication of performance level); reviews and validates objectives Dialogue + 10 working days 25 February -6 March
    Countersigning officer Checks that common standards have been applied; compares merits; confirms or amends comments; sends the qualitative report to the jobholder, with no indication of the performance level   no later than 13 March
    Jobholder Sends any comments to the countersigning officer, or returns the report to the countersigning officer without comment 5 working days no later than 20 March
    Countersigning officer Following comments from the jobholder, confirms, makes additions to or corrects the report

    Proposes performance levels via a list in Sysper2

      no later than 25 March
     + Deputy Directors‑General Propose formal intentions for the award of promotion points   no later than 25 March
    Coordination -Director-General + countersigning officers Grade‑by‑grade identification of performance levels IA (8%) and IB (22%)   30 March – 3 April
    Director-General + Directors Provisional formal intentions for the award of promotion points in the promotion files, via a list in Sysper2    
    Directors‑General Submission of proposals for levels and points in Sysper2   8 April
    ADMIN Sends statistics to the Joint Committees   no later than 17 April
    AD Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee Checks that the exercise has been properly conducted in respect of AD officials; may make recommendations to the Director-General and to DG ADMIN; sends its analysis to the staff 8 working days 22 April
    AST Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee Checks that the exercise has been properly conducted in respect of AST officials; may make recommendations to the Director-General and to DG ADMIN; sends its analysis to the staff 23 April
    Director-General + countersigning officers If required, further coordination on the basis of the recommendations from the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee   27 – 30 April
    Director-General Confirms or modifies performance levels IA and IB
    Confirms or modifies lists of promotion points in the promotion files, via a list in Sysper2
      no later than 15 May
    ADMIN Checks compliance of percentages and points with the points available by grade and by performance level; gives approval for the finalisation of reports by countersigning officers, and of lists of points by Directors‑General   no later than 20 May
    Countersigning officer Validates reports and performance levels, and sends the report to the jobholder   no later than 20 May
    Director-General Validates lists of points in promotion files, and sends the promotion file to the jobholder   no later than 20 May
    Jobholder Accepts the report, with or without comments = report closed Rejects the report and lodges an appeal with the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee 8 working days no later than 5 June
    Accepts the promotion points awarded Rejects the number of points and lodges an appeal with the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee

    3.4 What are the steps in the appeal stage?

    3.4.1 Appeal to the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee

    The jobholder may contest the appraisal report, the performance level, or the promotion points awarded to him. An appeal can be launched in Sysper2 from the appraisal report or from the promotion file without distinction. For every aspect contested the appeal must state reasons.

    A jobholder who appeals against his report may ask for a second dialogue, this time with the countersigning officer, if he so wishes. The second dialogue must take place within eight working days of the reference to the Committee. Whether or not the jobholder asks for a second dialogue, the countersigning officer has ten working days from the reference to the Committee to state an opinion on the appeal. The opinion is sent to the jobholder, who has five working days to respond to the countersigning officer’s comments, if necessary. The report is then sent to the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee.

    3.4.2 The work of the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee

    There are two Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committees, one for the AD function group and one for the AST function group, each covering both officials and temporary staff.

    The Joint Committees consider all appeals individually. In the case of an appeal against an appraisal report, it is not the Committee’s job to take the place of the actors in the appraisal process: the Committee instead checks whether the procedure has been complied with, and whether the report was drawn up in accordance with the appraisal standards laid down for the DG concerned.

    In the case of an appeal against promotion points, the Committee checks for compliance with the criteria for the award of promotion points.

    The Committee adopts an opinion, dealing with all points contested in the appeal, which must come to a practical conclusion, giving reasons, and make recommendations to the appeal assessor or the appointing authority or both; if the opinion is not adopted unanimously, it must also state any minority views expressed. In the event of a tie, however, no opinion is delivered, and this fact must be stated.

    If the appeal is brought in respect of the appraisal report only, the Committee’s opinion is inserted in the report. If the appeal is concerned with the promotion points, the Committee’s opinion is inserted in the promotion file.

    The opinion is brought to the notice of the jobholder, the reporting officer, the countersigning officer and the appeal assessor via Sysper2.

    Staff will be informed in good time of the membership of the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committees and of the working parties that will prepare their deliberations.

    3.4.3 Decision of the appeal assessor on an appeal against the report

    Once he has received the Committee’s opinion, the appeal assessor has five working days to confirm or amend the report. If his decision does not follow the opinion of the Committee he must give reasons.

    Where the jobholder and reporting officer or countersigning officer have the same grade, the appeal assessor must take particular care in examining the appeal if the Committee did not deliver an opinion or where the opinion gave rise to a vote.

    The report is then closed and the jobholder is informed. If the jobholder does not agree he has three months in which to make a complaint to the appointing authority under Article 90 of the Staff Regulations.

    3.4.4 Decision of the appeal assessor on an appeal against promotion points

    After receiving the opinion of the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee, at the same time as the appeal assessor considers the appeal, the appointing authority (promotion) (i.e. the Director-General of DG ADMIN) awards the final number of promotion points to officials who appealed against their promotion points and to those whose performance level has been changed by the appeal assessor.

    If the jobholder does not agree, he has three months in which to make a complaint to the appointing authority under Article 90 of the Staff Regulations.

    3.5 Timetable for the appeal stage

    Actor Appeal against report Appeal against promotion points Deadline Timetable 2009
    Jobholder Submits appeal against report Submits appeal against promotion points   No later than 5 June
    Jobholder + countersigning officer Optional second dialogue with countersigning officer   8 working days after submission of appeal No later than 16 June
    Countersigning officer Countersigning officer’s opinion on the appeal   10 working days after submission of the appeal No later than 19 June
    Jobholder Jobholder’s comments on countersigning officer’s opinion   5 working days No later than 26 June
    Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee Adoption of the opinion addressed by the Joint Appraisal and Promotion Committee to the appeal assessor, appointing authority or both    
    Appeal assessor Decision of the appeal assessor on the report = finalisation of the report   5 working days No later than 24 July
    Appointing authority   Decision of the appointing authority on the promotion points   No later than 24 July
    ADMIN   Publication of administrative notice with list of staff promoted   No later than 31 July



    4.1 Recalculation of rucksacks

    For more detail an additional Administrative Notice will be published in January.

    When the new system is introduced every official keeps the entitlements he has accumulated in his rucksack. But the points accumulated up to the end of 2008 are recalculated, to take account of the difference between the average points per official in the system that applied up to 31 December 2008 (17 points) and the average in the new system (6 points). The results are rounded up to the nearest whole number.

    Rucksacks are converted to the new system, therefore, by multiplying the accumulated points by a ratio of 6/17.

    For officials who have not yet been promoted, and whose rucksack still includes the 9 flat rate points for the probation period, there are two separate ratios that apply. For the 9 probation period points, the ratio is 6/12 (dividing by 12 because 9 points for 9 months correspond to 12 points for a year). For the remainder of the rucksack the ordinary ratio of 6/17 is used.

    The results are rounded up to the nearest whole number.

    4.2 Interim and simplified reports drawn up during 2008

    All the interim and simplified reports that were produced in the course of 2008 on the basis of the general provisions for implementing Article 43 of the Staff Regulations approved by the Commission on 23 December 2004 will now be treated by the reporting officer as contributions to the annual report. Only the comments in the reports will be used, as the merit points no longer apply. If there was an intermediate carryover in 2008, the comments in the annual report for 2007 will serve as a contribution to the annual report for 2008.

    4.3 Probation reports drawn up during 2008

    Officials or temporary staff who were the subject of a probation report in 2008 – whether the probation period began in 2007 or 2008 – will take part in this year’s annual appraisal and promotion exercise.

    If the probation period began in 2007, the annual appraisal report will cover the period from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008. But the 2008 promotion points will be increased by a number of pro rata promotion points to reflect the number of days’ probation in 2007.

    If the probation period started and finished in 2008 (by 31 December 2008 at the latest), the annual appraisal report will cover the period from the start of the probation period until 31 December 2008.

    4.4 Points awarded where the theoretical maximum length of service in the grade has been exceeded

    The theoretical promotion time is intended to give an indication of the length of time (expressed as a range) it shall in theory take for each official to be promoted. In particular, it makes it possible to identify officials who, despite having a reasonable number of merit points, nevertheless see their promotion prospects recede as the years go by.

    Points are awarded for exceeding the theoretical maximum length of service in the grade, once only, in 2009, to officials whose seniority in the grade exceeds the theoretical maximum length of service in the grade. They will receive a number of points (based on the merit points they have acquired in the grade since their last promotion and a notional allocation of priority points) in accordance with the following formula:

    On the basis of the theoretical
    maximum length of service in the
    grade, the jobholder should have
    been promoted in
    Number of points awarded
    2005 or earlier 4 points
    2006 3 points
    2007 2 points
    2008 1 point

    These points have already been added to the rucksacks of the officials concerned, under the heading ‘Other’.


(1) Two additional Administrative Notices cover (a) the conversion of the rucksack and (b) the third language requirement before first promotion after recruitment.
(2) Periods of sick leave, maternity leave, family or parental leave or military service are regarded as periods of active employment.
(3) The term “appraisal report” replaces the former term “career development report” (CDR).


   Author: ADMIN A6