Informations Administratives

Weightings applicable in third countries - Article 13 of Annex X of the Staff Regulations

The remuneration of officials serving in third countries may be paid in the currency of the country of employment, in which event a weighting is applied to the portion paid in local currency.

The annexed table            shows for each place of employment the economic parity applicable in July 1997 (calculated by the Statistical Office of the European Communities (S.O.E.C.)), the June 1997 exchange rate and the resulting weighting applicable on 1 July 1997 (Council Regulation No 501/981 of 20 February 1998 - ref : JO n* L 63 du 04.03.1998, p. 1./ OJ No L 63, 04.03.1998, p. 1).

The adjustments will be communicated in a future publication of the Administrative Information.

Auteur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Direction B : Gestion des droits et obligations ; dialogue social et politique sociale

Editeur : Direction générale du personnel et de l'administration
Unité ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 30/03/98 15:01:37, dernière modification le 7/04/98 19:17:46