Informations Administratives

Provisional new guidelines for implementing the budget heading 'Complementary aid for the handicapped' (formerly budget heading 1640) providing social assistance for disabled people

The attention of staff is drawn to the fact that from 1 January 2000 the budget heading providing appropriations for social assistance for the disabled will be governed by new guidelines adopted by the Heads of Administration at the meeting of 28 April 1999.

Under these rules certain non-medical expenses resulting from a handicap can be reimbursed on the basis of the criteria laid down and within the limit of the amount available in the budget.
One of the main changes concerns the possibility of a partial reimbursement of certain items of equipment, within well defined limits, in addition to the items of expenditure already eligible.
Total family income will in future be taken into account in calculating the individual's contribution towards the expenditure.

All language versions of these new guidelines can be consulted on Europaplus.

Commission officials, temporary agents and pensioners may obtain further information from the social welfare department in their place of employment.

Brussels:Unit ADMIN-B-1 Welfare Policy
SC 27 - 1/1
Secretariat Tel. (02) 295 90 98
Luxembourg:Unit ADMIN L.4 Social Infrastructure
JMO B2 /27
Tel. 32634/33948/33388
Ispra (JRC)Unit ADMIN L 5 Welfare Department
TP 660
Tel. 0332 78 98 32

Auteur : Personnel et Administration
Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C : Ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 26/10/1999 10:14:32, dernière modification le 11/11/1999 9:11:32