N° 30-2002
BRUXELLES + pensionnés résidant en Belgique + écoles européennes en Belgique (Bruxelles et Mol).

Flemish Social Care Insurance
Exemption from paying the obligatory contribution for European officials and their dependent spouses

With reference to Administrative Notice N° 88 of 9 October 2001, the Central Office of the Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme confirms that the Flemish authorities agree to the exemption from paying the obligatory contribution to the Social Care Insurance ( for European officials (including pensioners) and temporary agents, as well as their dependent spouses (those who have no professional income) and for any of their dependent children aged 25 or over, living in Flanders.

In order to simplify the administrative modalities for all concerned, the Central Office is examining the different ways of transferring to the "Vlaams Zorgfonds", before 31 December 2002, data concerning the persons considered to be exempt. From 1 January 2003, regular updates will be transmitted to this Flemish social care fund.

However, and only from 1 January 2003, if members of the JSIS or their dependent family members were to receive a request for payment to the "Vlaams Zorgfonds", or if changes take place in their coverage by the JSIS, a certificate can be obtained from your Settlements Office in order to inform the "Vlaams Zorgfonds".

Auteur : Personnel et Administration
Direction B.5 : Assurance maladie et accidents

Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C.4 : Logistique et Services

Page créée le 8/04/2002 11:27:18, dernière modification le 8/04/2002 11:45:22