>> de | en | fr | nl  N° 65-2005 / 02.09.2005

Transfer of pension rights acquired under Belgian schemes

Following the change of the Belgian law concerning the transfer of pension rights from the Belgian national regime to the Community by the Law of 10 February 2003, the Commission has dealt with numerous requests, complaints and requests for assistance submitted by its officials.

These issues were the subject of a first Administrative Notice published on 19 July 2005 (No. 58-2005).

By e-mail of 14 June 2005, the Appointing Authority replied to all requests, complaints and requests for assistance.

A first appeal will be lodged before the Court of First Instance (CFI) within the next few weeks.

In order to avoid the proliferation of administrative and judicial proceedings, the Appointing Authority undertakes, were the CFI to endorse the arguments of the first applicant, to examine requests by any official proving a legitimate interest in the light of that judgment.

The Administration will continue informing staff of further developments, in particular the outcome of the Court case.

The time to express an interest will be the day when the Administration informs staff whether or not the CFI has decided in favour of the applicant's position.


   Author: ADMIN B2