>> de | en | fr  N° 9-2006 / 06.02.2006



This Administrative Notice concerns C* and D* officials who were allowed to participate in the attestation procedure in 2005.

On 26th January 2006, the Appointing Authority adopted the list of 400 officials who will be authorised to apply for vacant posts in the ‘assistant’ function group (AST) in 2006. That list is annexed.

Following publication of the draft list of classification of best placed officials (see Administrative Notice No 86-2005 of 29 November 2005 , officials admitted to participate in the attestation procedure in 2005 who disputed the total points obtained had ten working days to make a substantiated appeal to the Joint Attestation Committee.

The Joint Committee met on 10th, 18th and 25th January 2006 and issued an opinion on each of the appeals introduced. On that basis, the Appointing Authority has decided on the action to be taken on each appeal.

Officials who appealed may now consult their ‘attestation’ file on Sysper2 to see the response of the Appointing Authority to their appeal. This information is accessible by clicking on the ‘Summary’ tab under ‘File history’.

The Joint Committee also considered the draft list of best placed officials published on 29 November 2005. It sent the Appointing Authority a proposal on deciding between ex-aequo officials, taking account of grade, equal opportunities factors and the information in the Career Development Report for 2004 on the potential of the official concerned. The Appointing Authority accepted the proposal of the Joint Committee.

Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations permits a complaint to be made against the decision of the Appointing Authority. How to do this is explained at: http://www.cc.cec/pers_admin/appeals/complaints/index_en.html

Officials whose names appear on the annexed list are invited to consult the information below.

If you are on the annexed list of 400 officials, you may apply for the vacant posts specially identified during 2006. Article 10(3) of Annex XIII to the Staff Regulations states that an official in category C or D “may become a member of the assistants’ function group without restriction … on the basis of an attestation procedure.”

Please note: under no circumstances may you be appointed to one of these posts before 1 May 2006, the date from which the AST function group will exist legally.

During the transitional period from 1 January to 30 April 2006, you may apply for all the B* posts for which a vacancy notice is published. These posts will all be regarded as able to give rise to attestation. However, as noted above, your appointment to one of these posts may not take effect before 1 May 2006.

From 1 May 2006, vacant posts which may give rise to attestation will be flagged when published. DG ADMIN will attach this flag when the post is published.

The Appointing Authority has set at 200 the number of posts in the AST function group which may be filled in 2006 by attested C* or D* officials. The number of C* or D* officials appointed from 1 May 2006 to posts giving rise to attestation will be recorded in Sysper2. DG ADMIN will report regularly on the situation to the Human Resources units in the Directorates-General. Please contact the Human Resources unit of your Directorate-General, should you require further information.

The implementing rules for Article 45 of the Staff Regulations state that “Where officials have changed category … points accumulated during the preceding promotion rounds shall be cancelled” http://www.cc.cec/pers_admin/promotions/legislation_en.html#2

An amendment to this rule will shortly be submitted to the Commission. It will concern officials who have passed a competition to change from category D to C and from C to B, as well as officials due to be appointed under the attestation procedure to B* posts or other specially flagged posts from 1 May 2006.


   Author: ADMIN A6