>> de | en | fr  N° 38-2006 / 25.07.2006


Brussels, 10 April 2006

amending Decision C(2005) 1792 of 16 June 2005 on the exercise of powers conferred by the Staff Regulations on the Appointing Authority and by the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants on the Authority Responsible for Concluding Contracts of Employment


amending Decision C(2005) 1792 of 16 June 2005 on the exercise of powers conferred by the Staff Regulations on the Appointing Authority and by the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants on the Authority Responsible for Concluding Contracts of Employment
Having regard to Article 2(1) of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities,

  1. On 16 June 2005(1) , the Commission adopted a decision on the powers conferred by the Staff Regulations on the Appointing Authority and by the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants on the Authority Responsible for Concluding Contracts of Employment.
  2. The amendments made to the Staff Regulations on 1 May 2004 make it necessary to clarify the attestation and certification procedures, in particular as regards appointments made following these procedures, which will take effect for the first time from 1 May 2006,


Article 1

Commission Decision C(2005) 1792 of 16 June 2005 on the exercise of powers conferred by the Staff Regulations on the Appointing Authority and by the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants on the Authority Responsible for Concluding Contracts of Employment [COM(2004) 1606] is hereby amended as follows:

  • in the Annex “AA Table for Commission staff paid from the administrative budget”, tables I, III, X.A and X.C are replaced by Annexes I, II, III and IV to this Decision;
  • in the Annex “AA Table/Research/RTD”, tables I and III are replaced by Annexes V and VI to this Decision;
  • in the Annex “AA Table/OLAF”, tables I and III are replaced by Annexes VII and VIII to this Decision;
  • in the Annex “AA Table/research budget/JRC”, tables I and III are replaced by Annexes IX and X to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision shall apply from 1 May 2006.

Done at Brussels, 13 June 2006

For the Commission
Member of the Commission


(1)  See Commission Administrative Notice No 47-2005


   Author: ADMIN B1