>> de | en | fr  N° 10-2007 / 05.02.2007


The certification procedure allows officials – members of the Assistants' (AST) function group without career restriction (ex-B* career stream, up to AST11) and in grades 5 upwards – to be appointed to an AD job and become members of the Administrators' (AD) function group provided that they have been selected to take part in, and have successfully completed, a compulsory training programme.

The certification procedure was introduced by Article 45a of the Staff Regulations and the general provisions for implementing the procedure were adopted by the Commission on 22 June 2005 (I.A. Nr. 51-2005).

Each year, the appointing authority shall publish the content, value and weighting of the classification criteria as well as the number of candidates who will be authorised to follow the compulsory training programme. On 2 February 2007, the appointing authority adopted the rules for applying the criteria for the 2006 certification exercise and set at 110 the number of Commission officials authorised to follow the training programme in 2007.

This Administrative Notice is a call for applications and officially launches the 2006 certification procedure on the same basis as the last exercise. It explains what the procedure involves, and sets out the various stages and the provisional timetable.

The deadline for submitting applications is 21 February 2007.

  • There will be no link between applications for the 2005 and 2006 certification exercises.
  • Applications must be validated by the applicant in Sysper2 by the deadline specified.
  • In the event of omission or error, no changes to the application can be accepted once it has been validated.

    The certification procedure relates only to officials, members of the AST function group without career restriction (ex-B*) and of at least grade AST5.

    The Commission Decision of 22 June 2005 (I.A. Nr. 51-2005) details the conditions to be met:
    • Officials who, at the date on which the call for applications is published, are in active employment, on parental or family leave, or seconded in the interests of the service, may apply.
    • However, officials who during 2006 or 2007 are to be automatically retired, in respect of whom the Commission has adopted a decision resulting in the definitive termination of their service, or in respect of whom the Commission has granted an invalidity allowance, may not apply.

    More information is available on Intracomm: (http://www.cc.cec/pers_admin/certification/index_en.html).


    The Commission Decision of 22 June 2005 sets out the stages in the certification procedure:
    (1) publication of a call for applications;

    (2) establishment of the list of officials authorised to take part in the training programme;

    (3) participation in the training programme, which will be given by the European Administrative School (EAS);

    (4) establishment and publication of the list of officials who have passed the tests demonstrating that they have successfully completed the training programme.
    This Administrative Notice concerns the first two stages referred to above.

    3.1. What is the deadline for applying?

    The deadline for submitting applications is 21 February 2007.

    Do you need to submit an application if, during the last appraisal round, you asked your reporting officer to fill in the “potential” section created for the certification procedure?
    Yes, you do indeed have to submit an application. The “potential” section in the career development report covered only some of the information required for the certification procedure, namely that relating to your aptitude for undertaking AD functions.

    By submitting an application, you will confirm your interest in the certification procedure. The application will also enable DG ADMIN to collect information on your level of education and professional experience.
    3.2. How to apply?

    Applications must be submitted via Sysper2. A certification module has been developed for that purpose. In order to access it, go into the Sysper2 menu and click on the link “My attestation and certification history” in the group “Attestation & Certification”. Then click on the button “Apply for the 2006 certification exercise”.

    3.3. What information to provide?

    You should supply any information which is necessary in order to assess your application in the light of the pre-selection and selection criteria.

    Firstly, you will have to choose one of the 7 priority fields.
    The fields are listed in the appointing authority decision of 2 February 2007 (I.A. Nr. 09-2007). The number of posts available is broken down by field: 15 for external communication policy; 15 for compliance with Community law and dealing with infringements; 15 for budget, finance and contracts; 20 for management of programmes and projects; 15 for audit; 15 for human resources management; and 15 for information technologies.

    To make your choice, click on the button “choose a priority field” under the tab “reference data”.
    Secondly, you will have to supply information on your education.
    Under the heading “Studies”, state the higher education qualifications which you have obtained (post-secondary). For each diploma, you will have to state:
    • the title of the diploma;
    • its level (please refer to the table in Annex 1);
    • the date on which it was obtained;
    • the authority which awarded it;
    • the corresponding periods of instruction.

    You will also have to state whether the diploma relates to one of the priority fields referred to above (even if not the priority field chosen by you).

    There is no need to include qualifications of secondary level or lower, as these will not be taken into account in the selection procedure.

    Only studies certified by a diploma recognised by the Member State or third country in which it was issued – will be taken into account.

    Lastly, you will have to fill in the sections relating to your professional experience as an official or temporary staff member.
    Two categories of information are to be supplied under the “Professional experience” tab.
    • The first relates to your experience as an official or temporary staff member in the ex-B* or ex-A* categories, in other European institutions, in Community/executive agencies and in organisations devoted to furthering the Community's interests (type 1 experience). You will have to detail your periods of service, stating for each the period the Directorate-General and Unit in which you worked and your status (temporary staff member or official) and grade. This information will be used to calculate your seniority.
    • The second category of information relates to the priority fields (type 2 experience) and relates to the experience you have acquired in the 7 fields since 1 January 1997, as an official or temporary staff member in the ex-B* or ex-A* categories, in the European institutions (including the Commission), in Community/executive agencies and in organisations devoted to furthering the Community's interests. You will have to state, for each experience: the priority field concerned, the functions held, the period concerned, the Directorate-General and Unit in which you worked, your status and grade.

      This information will be used to allocate points for your professional experience. If relevant, you will make sure to repeat the periods of professional experiences already mentioned under type 1 experience.
    3.4. How to validate your application?

    You have access at all times to your complete application containing the information you have entered. You are invited to check the content and, if needed to modify the application or delete it ("Delete my application form").

    Your application will not be registered for consideration until you have signed it electronically (click "Validate and send my application form"). You will then receive confirmation. Your application will attain “submitted and signed” status: this will be proof that your application form has been duly registered.

    If, for some reason, you are unable to access Sysper2 between the date on which this Administrative Notice is published and the closing date for applications, you may send a paper application (see specimen form in Annex 2) to the following address:
    European Commission
    Unit ADMIN A/6 – Certification procedure applications
    MO 34 5/15
    B-1049 Brussels
    Paper application forms must be sent by 21 February 2007, as evidenced by the postmark.

    3.5. Verification of the information provided in the application forms

    Your attention is drawn to the fact that DG ADMIN will systematically check the information provided in the application forms against the personal files of the officials that will be authorised to follow the EAS training programme.

    If the information is not correct or if your personal file is incomplete, your application will consequently be deemed not eligible.

    If the documents concerned are not already on your personal file, you will have to complete it with the originals of your qualifications or copies certified as true. Personal files are managed by ADMIN/B.3 (MO-34 MEZ/38, Tel. 53790).

    4.1. The pre-selection criteria

    Once you have validated your application, DG ADMIN will check that it meets the pre-selection criteria laid down by Article 4 of the Commission Decision of 22 June 2005 (I.A. Nr. 51-2005), namely:
    • Your annual Career Development Report (CDR) relating to 2004 or 2005 must state that you have the potential required to take on the functions of an administrator. An "annual" CDR is a report covering a period which ends on the 31st December of the period concerned.
    • According to your level of education, you must have seniority as official or temporary official in grade 5 or above as follows:

      Level of education Minimum seniority required
      University level education (university education of a legal duration of at least 3 years) 3 years
      Lower education level 6 years

      Seniority acquired as at 31 December 2007 will be taken into account.

      Account shall be taken of the seniority acquired as a temporary official provided that there was no break between periods of service as a temporary official and as a permanent official.

      Seniority acquired in category C* or D* and periods of leave on personal grounds will not be taken into account.

    4.2. How to appeal?

    The appointing authority will publish a list of the officials who have been pre-selected.

    Once that list has been published, you will be able to access your certification file in Sysper2 (“Calculations” tab, “Valorisation” and “Pre-selection” subtabs) in order to check how the information in your application has been examined and the outcome of that examination for the pre-selection phase.

    If you are not pre-selected, you will have 10 working days following publication of the draft list referred to above within which to lodge an appeal before the Joint Committee for the certification procedure.

    This appeal will have to be lodged via your certification file in Sysper2, by clicking on the “Launch an appeal” button. The appeal will have to be substantiated: a free-text area of unlimited size will be made available to each user; you will have to enclose any document supporting the appeal (via the “Annexes” tab).

    If, for some reason, you are prevented from accessing Sysper2, you may lodge an appeal by sending a substantiated note to:

    European Commission
    Unit ADMIN A/6 – Certification procedure appeals
    MO 34 5/15
    B-1049 Brussels
    The note must be sent within 10 working days, as evidenced by the postmark.

    Once the Joint Committee has examined the appeals, the appointing authority will publish a list – amended if necessary – of the officials pre-selected.

    In accordance with Article 4(3) of the Commission Decision of 22 June 2005, the criteria are: experience acquired in the institutions in the priority fields identified by the appointing authority; the level of education in these priority fields; the merit marks in the most recent career development reports. The value and weighting of the criteria have been detailed in an appointing authority decision after consulting the Joint Certification Committee (I.A. Nr. 09-2007).

    The number of officials authorised to follow the training programme in 2007 was set at 110 and 7 priority fields were identified. For ranking the pre-selected candidates, one list per priority field shall be established. The candidates authorised to follow the training shall be the best-ranked candidates on the list corresponding to the priority field they chose at the moment of introducing the application form. The minimum of points needed to be retained might be different from one field to another one as the number of posts offered and the number of candidates per field vary.

    5.1. Experience acquired in the institutions in one of the priority fields

    Points will be awarded as follows to officials who have acquired professional experience within the Institutions over the last 10 years in one of the 7 fields:
    • 2 points will be awarded for every full year of professional experience acquired between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2006; if the professional experience acquired does not amount to a full year, two twelfths of a point will be awarded for every full month.
    • 1.25 points will be awarded for every full year of professional experience acquired between 1 January 1997 and 31 December 2000; if the professional experience acquired does not amount to a full year, 1,25/12ths of a point will be awarded for every full month.

    Only professional experience acquired as an official or temporary member of staff in Category ex-B* or above will be taken into account. Account shall be taken of the experience acquired as a temporary official provided that there was no break between periods of service as a temporary official and as a permanent official.

    For professional experience acquired between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2006, DG ADMIN will invite the candidates listed on the draft list of officials authorised to follow the training (see Article 4(4), paragraph 1, of the Commission Decision of 22 June 2005) to provide certificates signed by the Head of the Human Resources Unit for the department in which they acquired that experience, confirming the accuracy of the information supplied. A model certificate for signature shall be provided to the candidates concerned.

    5.2. Education level in one of the priority fields

    3 additional points will be awarded to officials who are able to prove that they have a higher education qualification (higher non-university degree or short university cycle of legal duration of at least 2 years) relating to one of the 7 priority fields.

    5.3. Merit points of the last 4 annual CDRs

    An average of the merit points in the last 4 annual career development reports –i.e. those covering 2001-02, 2003, 2004 and 2005 – will be calculated. An "annual" CDR is a report covering a period which ends on the 31st December of the period concerned.

    The merit points will be taken into account without applying a pro rata.

    5.4. How can you check your classification?

    The appointing authority will publish a draft list of the officials authorised to take part in the training programme given by the European Administrative School (EAS) in 2007.

    Once that list has been published, DG ADMIN will invite all official admitted to consult their certification file in Sysper2 (“Calculation” tab, “Classification” subtab) in order to see their classification in the chosen field, the number of points obtained under the classification criteria referred to above, and the method of calculation.

    5.5. How to appeal?

    If you have been pre-selected but are not on the draft list of officials authorised to take part in the training programme, you may challenge that list by lodging a substantiated appeal before the Joint Certification Committee. You will have 10 working days within which to do this following publication of the draft list.

    This appeal will have to be lodged via your certification file in Sysper2, subject to the same conditions as for the pre-selection phase.
    Once the Joint Certification Committee has given its opinion, the appointing authority will decide on the response to each appeal and then adopt and publish the definitive list of officials authorised to take part in the training programme in 2007.



    Here is the provisional calendar:
    • 21 February 2007: deadline for the receipt of applications
    • Beginning of March 2007: publication of the draft list of officials pre-selected
    • End of March 2007: meeting of the Joint Certification Committee
    • Beginning of April 2007: publication of the list of officials pre-selected and of the draft list of officials authorised to take part in the training programme
    • End of April 2007: meeting of the Joint Certification Committee
    • Beginning of May 2007: publication of the list of officials authorised to take part in the training programme given by EAS
    • End of May 2007: beginning of the training programme given by EAS

    The training programme is due to start at the end of May 2007. You will find more information on its calendar and on the content of the training on the EAS web site.

    Courses will be given in English and French. To avoid any discrimination on linguistic grounds, no official will be allowed to follow the programme in his/her main language.

    The main language is the first language indicated by the official in his/her application form to the competition or selection procedure on the basis of which he/she was recruited.

    On the basis of experience in the 2006 training, it is important that candidates are aware that they will need a sufficient level of knowledge of the language they will be using for the training programme and for the examinations.


    Information on the processing of personal data under Regulation (EC) No 45/2001:
    • Data controller: Unit ADMIN/A.6
    • Purpose of processing: certification procedure
    • Recipients: Unit ADMIN/A.6, appointing authority, members of the joint certification committee, human resources managers
    • Questions in the application form marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory.
    • Right to access and rectify data: once an application has been made, the applicant has access to all the information contained in it. Data can be rectified before the closing date for the validation of applications, but not after the application has been validated by the applicant.
    • Other information contained in the notification to the DPO covering Sysper2 – CDR professional appraisal
    • Applicants are entitled to have recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor.

Annex 1
Table of qualifications

Annex 2
Application form



   Author: ADMIN A6