Annex 2 - Instructions for inserting the 7 compulsory metadata

Each descriptive element has a NAME attribute and a CONTENT attribute in the following format:

<META NAME="Title" CONTENT=" Rule 7 - Accessibility">

All meta can have multiple values, except "Title", "Type", "Description" and "Date". The syntax for listing multiple values is always the same, i.e. separation by comma's.
Metadata Explanations Example for page:
1. Title* Identical with the title in the title tag <TITLE></TITLE>. The title should be in the language of the document (including accents etc.) <META NAME="Title" CONTENT=" Rule 7 - Accessibility"> Title
2. Author/Creator* Identifier of the entity which is responsible for the content of the page. For DGs and services the format should - whenever relevant - be COMM/[DG acronym]/[directorate]/[unit]. The official list of acronyms for DG and Services should be used. Other bodies should use their name in a uniform way on all their documents <META NAME="Creator" CONTENT="COMM/ADMIN/D/5"> Author
3. Classification* The topic of the resource such as defined in the Common Taxonomy for Webpages (IntraComm and Europa). The topic is represented by a 5 digit code. <META NAME="Classification" CONTENT="33500,33140">
4. Type* The category of the resource, such as defined in the list shared with the Europa IPG <META NAME="Type" CONTENT="49">  
5. Description* To identify the origin of the document, content must start with " IntraComm -". Then a sentence or two describing the content or, alternatively, a list of free keywords separated by semicolon. The search engine will include this description when displaying its result list <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="IntraComm - Information Providers Guide (IPG) chapter 7 accessibility; access permissions; guidelines on accessibility for disabled users; use of meta data for search and retrieval of information "> Subject
6. Date Date of creation or last important update of the content The format is according to ISO 8601, i.e. yyyy-mm-dd <META NAME="Date" SCHEME="ISO8601" CONTENT="2005-11-15">  
7. Language * ISO 639-1 language code of the document, made up of two lower-case letters. Normally only ISO 639 codes for English: en and French: fr will be relevant <META NAME="Language" CONTENT="en">

* = Meta tag also compulsory for documents on the Europa Server