Rule 8 - Interactivity

1. Rule

Websites ought not to be mere one-way platforms for posting information - visitors should also be able to react to the information they find there.

2. Justification

If readers of a paper publication have the opportunity to react by writing a letter to the author, then information providers should take advantage of Internet technology to enable visitors to interact with their site by personalising the page presentation, asking questions, giving feedback, replying to questionnaires or discussing issues with other users.

3. Description

User interaction on IntraComm can be divided into two categories:

Interaction with the site creators :

Interaction with other users : fora

Before initiating an interactive service, you must first assess how many staff will be needed to implement it.
The technical details of all interactive functions are covered in Chapter 5 .

3.1. Interaction between users and site creators

3.1.1 Personalising webpages

In this way, users can adapt the parameters so that the information is presented in a way that best matches their profile: this entails changing colours, font size, screen width, the order in which data is displayed, type of information displayed, etc.

3.1.2 Feedback mechanisms


The easiest way to obtain feedback from users is to include an e-mail address in your webpages.

Each page published on IntraComm must include a "Contact" link to a mailbox (see Chapter 4). The advantage of using a group mailbox instead of a personal mailbox is that you are not affected by changes of staff or internal organisation. However, you are not permitted to create a link simply to the general IntraComm "Mailbox" page.

Tips on maintaining a mailbox

See the code of Good Administrative Behaviour

"Mailto" is a very easy and convenient way of allowing users to send e-mail. It opens a mail window with the destination address entered by default. Exactly how it does this varies considerably according to the local configuration of a user's system.

In the first three cases the exact implementation of "mailto" may be very different, and in the last case it will not work at all.
For these reasons, some constraints have to be applied.



If you want the information on your site to be well-structured, it is advisable to use special forms designed for gathering information.

The answers can be processed automatically and stored in a database for purposes of statistical analysis.
Mailform is a programme provided by the Data Centre which you can use to create complex multilingual forms.
For the complete summary of Mailform functionality and examples, go to

JavaScript can be used to validate the data entered in the form.
The person or group responsible for the page content must be identified on each page. Mailform can be activated by a "Contact" button or link. Users can use this function to contact the person(s) responsible for a page using an electronic form. They can also use mailto, albeit with the limitations described above.

Online questionnaires

Online questionnaires are used to canvass users' opinions on a given subject, such as satisfaction with the site or any other issue.

Before launching an online survey, you must determine its objectives (what do you want to know?) and ensure you will have the necessary technical resources (to set up the form for completion by users, maintain the answers in a database, etc.) and human resources (to process the answers to open questions, etc.).

Results of surveys give an indicative, non-scientific impression of tendencies among users. They cannot be used to deduce precise information about IntraComm user profiles and behaviour. Users reply on a voluntary basis and are therefore not necessarily a representative sample of all users - (unlike with opinion polls). Surveys cannot replace more systematic tools such as statistical analysis of website hits, they can only complement them. Their role is to give users a chance to express their views.

3.2. Interaction between users

Visitors to a website share a common interest in the site content. They can use the Internet to communicate with one another about the content.

3.2.1 Fora

Forums give users the opportunity to carry out such discussions - they can post messages here which other users can read and reply to.


4. Technology


The use of cookies is allowed with certain restrictions.
It is important that IntraComm should follow the Commission's guidelines on privacy and data protection and reassures users that cookies are not being used in any intrusive way.
The use of cookies on IntraComm is therefore allowed only with certain restrictions :

Cookies can only be used without explicit permission if they are limited to the current session.

In the exceptional case where a cookie must be stored beyond the current session, explicit permission must be obtained, including an explanation of why it is necessary and the expiry period must not exceed one year. Furthermore the exact information which will be gathered must be listed and an assurance given that it will not be used for any purpose other than the one stated.

If refused, the cookie must not simply try again indefinitely, nor must access to the site be refused.