
1. IntraComm logo

You can either download the logo from this page or use the existing logo on the IntraComm server by inserting the following line into your HTML code :

<img src="/home/img/icsm.gif" width="78" height="49" border="0" alt="IntraComm">

2. Template

Please find herewith the complete version of the IntraComm template that you can apply on your site in accordance with chapter 4 of the IPG

Download the ZIP archive

A text version for the navigation tools is also available.

Download the ZIP archive

3. Stylesheet

Stylesheets can be activated in the HTML code in different ways. However, we recommend that you merge them into one central stylesheet-file.

Each page should be linked to this standard CSS. For the templates offered here above this link is already built in.

Download the style sheet