N° 53-2000

Local elections in Belgium

On 27 January 1999, Belgium adopted a law implementing Council Directive 94/80/EC of 19 December 1994 whereby non-Belgian citizens of the European Union residing in Belgium may exercise the right to vote in local elections.

The next local elections in Belgium will take place on 8 October 2000. To take part in these elections, the person concerned must fulfil the following conditions:

  • have the nationality of a Member State of the European Union;
  • be registered on the population register of the commune. Persons holding a special identity card whose names are entered on the population register of the commune of residence are considered to be duly registered;
  • have reached the age of 18 by the date of the first local elections organised after the submission of an application;
  • not have been the subject in Belgium of a conviction or a decision leading either to the definitive exclusion from voting rights or to the suspension, at the date of the elections, of those same rights.

To be included on the electoral roll for the purposes of local elections, the person concerned can either go in person to the commune of residence to complete the application form or can request the commune of residence, in writing or by telephone, to send an application form, which, when duly completed and signed, must be returned to the commune in question.

Those eligible to vote in local elections may also stand as candidates for the post of local councillor. However, as a transitional measure, election in a commune to the post of échevin/schepen/Schöffe will only be possible with effect from the 2006 elections. The office of burgomaster is reserved for citizens of Belgian nationality.

Since voting is compulsory in Belgium, those persons whose names are on the electoral roll must exercise that right.

Auteur : Gestion des droits individuels
Editeur : Personnel et Administration
Direction C : Ateliers de reproduction

Page créée le 14/06/2000 9:40:56, dernière modification le 14/06/2000 10:04:04