>> de | en | fr  N° 60-2005 / 22.07.2005


Allocation of priority points


1. Invitation to consult promotion files

Article 25 of the Staff Regulations provides that any decision relating to an individual must be communicated to the official concerned. Officials are hereby invited to consult their promotion files in Sysper2.

Officials are invited to note in particular the various points allocated to them for the purposes of the promotion exercise and the minimum time for which they must have been in their current grade in order to qualify for promotion(1) .

Note: Points allocated on the basis of proposals from the promotion committees for work in the interests of the Institution (member of a competition selection board, joint committee, etc.) have not yet been allocated at this stage and do not therefore appear in your promotion files (see point 4).

2. Publication of merit lists

Article 7 of the General Implementing Provisions for Article 45 of the Staff Regulations (hereafter GIP Article 45) provides that:

"On the basis of the priority points allocated [….], the Directorate-General for Personnel and Administration shall draw up merit lists for each grade by order of the number of points, giving the names of officials who are within five points of reaching the promotion threshold and the names of those who have reached or passed that threshold."

This Administrative Notice contains the merit lists referred to in the Article.

It also contains the merits lists arising from application of the GIP Article 45 to staff paid from the research appropriations in the general budget.

For clarity, the lists are published in two forms:

  • a full listing , by budget, grade and decreasing order of officials' total points for those whose total points are equal to or greater than the indicative promotion threshold less five points;
  • the same listing arranged by budget, by grade and by Directorate-General or other department.

3. Publication of the formal intentions of Directorates-General for the allocation of priority points

Article 5(7) of the GIP Article 45 provides that:

"Following the meeting with the Joint Evaluation Committee, the Director-General shall set out his/her formal intentions regarding the allocation of priority points. Those intentions shall be made known to staff."

This Administrative Notice satisfies this requirement to publish the DGs’ formal intentions for allocating individual priority points.

For clarity, the following layout has been adopted:

  • the names of those who have not received priority points are not published;
  • the lists are arranged by budget, grade, number of priority points and alphabetical order.

4. Allocation of priority points for work in the interests of the Institution

Article 9(1) of the GIP Article 45 provides that:

  • "The Promotion Committees […] shall submit proposals to the appointing authority on the allocation to officials of priority points in recognition of work undertaken in the interests of the Institution."
  • "In order to qualify for priority points under this Article, an official must have undertaken additional tasks in the interests of the Institution which do not form part of his/her usual activities as stated inter alia in his/her job description."

The additional tasks in the interests of the Institution which may give rise to priority points under Article 9 are set out in Annex I to the GIP Article 45. These are:

  • - Chairman/member of a competition selection board or of a joint committee for selecting temporary officials;
  • Assessor to a selection board/Marker of competition papers;
  • Chairman/member of a joint committee.

To facilitate the task of the promotion committees in exercising their powers under Article 9 of the GIP, DG ADMIN is to provide them with a list of officials likely qualifying for priority points for work in the interests of the Institution. This list is annexed to this Notice.

The list has been drawn up on the basis of information provided by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) and the Task Force on Internal Competitions, in the case of all activities linked to competitions, and by the chairmen of the various joint committees.

Only officials who in 2004 devoted at least one and a half days to one of the activities listed in Annex I to the GIP Article 45 are included in the published list and qualify for priority points to reward work in the interests of the Institution.

The list is set out by budget, grade, number of priority points liable to be allocated and alphabetical order.

If you disagree with the number of points which you would be liable to receive, as stated in the annexed list, you must appeal to the promotion committee within the deadline and by the route explained in point 7 below.

Your appeal must be duly justified: you should attach in particular any documents attesting your participation in one of the activities listed in Annex I to the GIP Article 45 from which the number of days devoted to that activity in 2004 is apparent.

5. Account not taken of changes after 31 December 2004

The published lists do not take account, in particular, of any change of category after 31 December 2004.

Accordingly, some officials who have changed category since 1 January 2005 may find their name appearing in the list for their former grade as at 31 December although they are no longer qualified for promotion and their previously accumulated points are to be disregarded with a view to promotion in their new grade.

The relevant updating will take place when promotion lists are drawn up for the 2006 exercise.

The relevant Directorate-General is the one to which officials were assigned as at 31 December 2004.

6. Directorates-General and other departments not covered by this Administrative Notice

This Administrative Notice covers all the Commission’s Directorates-General and other departments except for:

  • staff assigned to the following Directorates-General: The Legal Service and The External Service;
  • officials on secondment as staff representatives.

The relevant lists for the officials referred to above will be published at a later date, without infringing the principle of a single promotion exercise for everyone (the only practical consequence of later publication is that the period for appealing to the promotion committees against an allocation of priority points will start to run from a different date).

7. Appeals to the promotion committees

You can appeal to your promotion committee against your Directorate-General's formal intentions for priority points under Article 8 of the GIP Article 45.

7.1 Deadline and route for making an appeal

  1. Deadline for appeal

    In accordance with Article 8 of the GIP Article 45, the period for making an appeal is during the five working days following publication of the merit list in question. If you are absent from work, the 5-day period starts to run from the time when "the official could, as a diligent member of staff, have known of the formal intention concerning him/her."
  2. How to make your appeal

    Appeals must be made using the Sysper2 application: go to "My promotion file". You must give reasons for the appeal (a space for free text opens up when a user clicks on "Launch appeal", under the tab " DG Priority Points".).

    Warning: Do not forget to validate your appeal after keying it into Sysper2. Validated appeals appear under the tab "Appeal" in your promotion file.
  3. Provisions for absence of an official

    Officials absent from their workplace during the period for making appeals should take steps to comply with the deadline of five working days referred to above.

    The following arrangements have been allowed for:
    1. Access to Sysper2 from an external computer

      Sysper2 can be consulted and used to make an appeal to the promotion committee from any computer connected to the Internet. The technical details for accessing Commission websites from an external computer are given at:
    2. If Sysper2 is not accessible

      Officials unable to access Sysper2 in order to consult the number of priority points allocated to them can contact the person responsible for human resources in their home DG as at 31 December 2004, who is to give them the necessary information.

      In accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 8(2) of the GIP Article 45, officials unable to use the computer system can make a justified appeal by writing to the head of the unit in the Directorate-General for personnel and Administration which is responsible for providing the secretariat for the promotion committees, i.e.:

      Unit ADMIN.A.6.
      Personnel matter "Appeal to promotion committee"
      34 rue Montoyer (MO-34 5/1), B-1040 Brussels
      Tel.: (+32)(0)22956731, Fax: (+32)(0)22954762

      Please send any e-mails to:


      Please use this alternative appeal procedure only in exceptional circumstances (when you are genuinely prevented from using Sysper2).

7. 2 Presentation of appeals

The consideration of appeals will be made very much easier if you adopt the following manner of presentation:

  • use a clear drafting style from which it is immediately apparent
    • what category of points are the subject of the appeal (priority points given by your DG, priority points for work in the interests of the Institution, etc.)
    • the precise reasons why you think more points should have been given
    • what you want to happen (e.g. receive one more point, receive a sufficient number of points to cross the promotion threshold, etc.)
  • keep your appeal concise: short messages are often better understood

    - do not reproduce or attach documents which already appear in your promotion file; the members of the promotion committees will have access to your personal file in Sysper2 when considering each case and so there is no point in repeating personal data already on record.

7.3 Special provisions for officials in grades D*4, C*6, B*10 and A*12

The GIP Article 45, adopted by the Commission on 23 December 2004, provide that priority points are to be allocated for 2004 to officials in grades A*12, B*10, C*6 and D*4. The detailed rules for allocating these priority points were set out in Administrative Notice No 5-2005 of 21 January 2005.

The priority points allocated for 2004 to officials in the relevant grades were published on 25 May 2005.

A corrigendum covering officials in grade A*12 (ex A/4) assigned to DG DEV is annexed to this Administrative Notice.

Officials in grades D*4, C*6, B*10 and A*12 who disagree with the number of priority points allocated to them for 2004 can appeal to the promotion committees within the same deadline and by the same route as explained in 7.1 and 7.2 above.

7. 4 Consideration of appeals by the promotion committees

Appeals will then be considered by the promotion committees and may give rise to additional points ("appeal points").

An Administrative Notice giving the membership of the promotion committees will be issued soon.

8. Indicative promotion thresholds

An estimate of the promotion thresholds for the 2005 promotion exercise was published in Administrative Notice No 40-2005 of 27 May 2005, which was the Notice announcing the launching of the current exercise.

An adjusted estimate has now been made. The grades for which the indicative thresholds have been revised are shown in bold in the table below.


Grade   Indicative Threshold 2005
A*12  76
A*11 66
A*10 58.5
A*08 57.5
A*07 33
B*10  76
B*08 66.5
B*07 62.5
B*06 59.5
B*05 38
C*06 74
C*05 67
C*04 61
C*03 59
C*02 38
D*04 73.5
D*03 62
D*02 50.5

These indicative thresholds, including those that have been adjusted, may be exceeded by between 0.5 and 1 point.

The final promotion thresholds can only be calculated by the promotion committees and the Appointing Authority at the end of the promotion exercise. These final thresholds depend on the amount of budget resources available and the priority points ultimately allocated.


(1)  See box against "Excluded from promotion" under the "Summary" tab in your promotion file.



   Author: ADMIN A6