>> de | en | fr  N° 11-2008 / 15.02.2008



This Administrative Notice concerns the officials whose applications to the 2007 certification exercise have been admitted and the officials who launched an appeal against their non-admission.

The procedure for selecting officials to follow in 2008 the training programme offered by the European Administrative School (EAS) has three stages: admission; pre-selection; evaluation and ranking of the pre-selected candidates. This Administrative Notice finalises the admission and pre-selection stages.


  • The draft lists of admitted and pre-selected applicants, issued by means of Administrative Notice n° 01-2008 , were based on the information provided in the application forms. The information related to the level of education and to the principal language of the officials provisionally pre-selected has been checked by DG ADMIN. When the information in the application does not tally with the documents in the personal file, DG ADMIN has informed the Joint Committee for the certification procedure and the certification files have been consequently modified. An explanation was added in the "Summary" tab of the certification files which were then recalculated on the basis of the modified elements.

  • The ranking of the admitted candidates has been reviewed in order to take into account the outcome of the appeals and the result of the controls mentioned above.

  • The candidates whose names appeared on the provisional list of 220 pre-selected candidates are therefore invited to consult the final list, in annex 2, in order to check if their name still appears.

  • The declarations of the pre-selected candidates regarding their recent professional experience acquired in the priority fields have not yet been checked. For the professional experience acquired between 1 January 2002 and 31 December 2007, all the candidates whose names appear on the final list of pre-selected candidates (annex 2) are invited to provide certifications signed by the Head of the Human Resources Unit for the DGs/Services in which they acquired that professional experience, confirming the accuracy of the information supplied. (see details under point 2.5).


    Following the call for applications for the 2007 exercise of the certification procedure, issued by means of Administrative Notice N° 51-2007 [link http], 880 signed applications were registered. The draft list of 835 admitted officials and the draft list of 220 pre-selected officials have been made known by means of Administrative Notice n° 01-2008.

    Following the treatment of the appeals and the results of the checks on the level of education declared by the candidates in their application form, some files have been adapted and recalculated. The ranking of list 1 (combining points granted for merit and for recent professional experience in the priority fields) and of list 2 (combining points granted for merit and for level of education) have been consequently reviewed.

    The final list of 836 candidates admitted to the 2007 certification exercise has been adopted by the Appointing Authority on 13 February 2008 and is published in annex 1 .

    The final list of 224 pre-selected candidates has been adopted by the Appointing Authority on 13 February 2008 and is published in annex 2 . It concerns the highest-ranked admitted candidates on the two lists as follows:
    • the candidates with a ranking better or equal to the 122nd position (included) on list 1; and
    • the candidates with a ranking better or equal 89th position (included) on list 2.

    Officials who appealed may consult their application file in Sysper 2 to see the response of the Appointing Authority to their appeal, following the opinion of the Joint Committee for the certification procedure.

    Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations permits a complaint to be made against the decision of the Appointing Authority. How to do this is explained at: http://www.cc.cec/pers_admin/appeals/complaints/index_en.html


    The DG and services of each pre-selected candidate (according to the assignment on the date of signature of their application) shall provide a motivated opinion on the basis of an analysis of the applications. It is on the basis of this analysis that the 110 candidates who will be authorised to follow the training programme in 2008 will be identified. Please note that the number of points and the rankings obtained during the pre-selection phase shall no longer be taken into account in this evaluation stage.

    2.1. Evaluation by the DGs and services

    Each Director-general and Head of Service concerned shall provide an opinion on each of the pre-selected candidates assigned to their DG/Service. This opinion shall be motivated and take the form of points allocated to the pre-selected candidates on the basis of an analysis of the candidates and of their potential to become AD. The analysis of the DGs and Services shall be based on the needs of the services and in particular on the 3 criteria defined by the General Implementing Provisions (GIPs) of 20/11/2007 ( l'IA 54-2007):
    • responsibilities and duties currently performed by the pre-selected applicants as mentioned in their job description or other relevant documents, and how these responsibilities and duties are carried out by the applicants;
    • versatility of the pre-selected candidates on the basis of the various functions performed and responsibilities held within the European Institutions;
    • relevant training courses followed as mentioned in their training passport; ability to work in Community languages as required by the service; ability to follow a training programme in French or English (given that the candidates may not follow the EAS mandatory training programme in their principal language).

    Common evaluation grids and guidelines for allocating the points and establishing the ranking have been established by the appointing authority after consulting the Joint committee for the certification procedure. They are available for consultation by the candidates on the PersAdmin website dedicated to the 2007 certification exercise .

    2.2. Draft ranking of the pre-selected candidates

    On the basis of the points allocated by the DGs and services, DG ADMIN shall establish a ranking and publish the draft list of the candidates having reached or passed the threshold (i.e. the minimum number of points required in order to be allowed to take part in the training programme). The threshold shall be equal to the number of points obtained by the official ranked at the 110th position – corresponding to the number of officials authorised to follow the training programme as a result of the current certification exercise.

    The draft list shall mention the assignment and the number of points for each of the candidates listed.

    Following the publication of the draft list, the pre-selected candidates will see in their Sysper2 certification application file the opinion issued by their Service, the number of points obtained and their position in the ranking.

    2.3. Appeal procedure

    A pre-selected candidate who contests the number of points obtained shall be able to lodge a substantiated appeal before the Joint committee within 10 working days following the publication of the draft list.

    2.4. Final list of candidates authorised to follow the training programme in 2008

    The Joint committee shall deliver an opinion on each appeal and shall propose, where necessary, to modify the ranking and the number of points granted even to the pre-selected candidates who did not lodge an appeal.

    If, following the examination of the appeals and the draft list, the number of pre-selected officials having reached or passed the threshold exceeds 110, the Joint committee shall adopt a substantiated proposal aimed at deciding between officials whose number of points coincides exactly with the threshold (the ex-aequo group). To that end, the Committee shall take into account subsidiary elements such as the length in service as official or temporary staff in grade 5 or above – excluding the ex-C/C* or ex-D/D* careers – and, where the length of service is the same, the principle of equal opportunities.
    On the basis of the opinion of the Joint committee, the appointing authority shall adopt and publish the final list of officials authorised to follow the training programme in 2008.

    2.5. Certifications to be provided by the officials whose names appear on the final list of the pre-selected candidates

    For the professional experience acquired between 1 January 2002 and 31 December 2007, the candidates whose names appear on the final list of pre-selected candidates (annex 2 ) are invited to provide certifications signed by the Head of the Human Resources Unit for the DGs/Services in which they acquired that professional experience, confirming the accuracy of the information supplied. A model certificate for signature is attached in annex 3 .

    The candidates must send by mail the signed new certifications by 7 March 2008 to the following address :

    European Commission
    Unit ADMIN.A/6 "Certification procedure"
    MO 34 5/15
    B - 1049 Brussels

    The certifications should mention, for each period of professional experience, the most relevant priority field covered. If a certification was already established in the framework of the 2005 or 2006 certification exercise and is covering the same period and same field, it remains valid. The pre-selected candidate should ask DG ADMIN/A.6 to recover this certification and attach it to the 2007 application file.


    Courses and exams will take place in English and French. A sufficient level of linguistic knowledge is essential and no official will be allowed to follow the programme in his/her principal language.

    The training programme should start at the end of May 2008 as follows:
    • Block 1: from Tuesday 27 May to Friday 20 June 2008 (every day except on Wednesdays 4, 11 and 18 June);
    • Block 2: from Monday 29 September to Friday 17 October 2008 (every day except on Wednesdays 1, 8 and 15 October);
    • Individual study period between the 2 blocks.

    EAS will organise preliminary information sessions for the candidates authorised to follow the training. These sessions will take place in Brussels and Luxembourg early May 2008.

    You will find more information on the calendar and on the content of the training on the EAS web site.


    If you have any queries, you can contact ADMIN/A.6:

    Tel.: 93640 or 93936
    PersAdmin / Certification web site:


    1/ Final list of 836 candidates admitted to the 2007 certification exercise
    2/ Final list of 224 pre-selected candidates
    3/ Model certificate regarding the acquired professional experience between 1st January 2002 and 31st December 2007 (only for officials whose names appear on the list in annex 2)


   Author: ADMIN A6