>> de | en | fr  N° 55-2006 / 17.11.2006

2006 Promotions Exercise

Categories A*, B*, C* and D*



  • Merit list taking account of proposals by the promotion committees, including promoted officials
  • List of priority points allocated in recognition of work undertaken in the interest of the institution

    Article 25 of the Staff Regulations provides that any decision relating to an individual must be communicated to the official concerned. Officials are hereby invited to consult their promotion files in Sysper2.

    2.1 Reminder: the main stages of promotion
    • The starting point for the promotions exercise is the end of the staff reports exercise, when the DGs award each official a certain number of priority points. This allocation is followed by the publication of the merit lists, which serve as a basis for the presentation, within five working days, of an appeal to the promotion committees against the allocation of priority points (see the Administrative Notices at the following addresses):

      A.I. 37-2006 of 19 July 2006 (http://www.cc.cec/guide/publications/infoadm/2006/ia06037_en.html)
      A.I. 41-2006 of 8 August 2006 (http://www.cc.cec/guide/publications/infoadm/2006/ia06041_en.html)
      A.I. 44-2006 of 7 September 2006 (http://www.cc.cec/guide/publications/infoadm/2006/ia06044_en.html)
      A.I. 47-2006 of 25 September 2006 (http://www.cc.cec/guide/publications/infoadm/2006/ia06047_en.html)
    • The promotion committees met between 29 September and 18 October 2006. Each committee submitted to the Appointing Authority:
      • a proposal on the allocation of points for work in the interests of the institution (see point 2.2.1 below);
      • a proposal on the allocation of transitional points (see point 2.2.2 below);
      • a proposal on the allocation of priority points following an appeal (see point 2.2.3 below);
      • a proposal on which of the officials with a point score equal to the promotion threshold should be promoted in the current exercise (see point 2.3 below).
    • On the basis of the proposals made by the promotion committees, the appointing authority took decisions on the allocation of points for work in the interests of the institution, transitional points and priority points following an appeal. It also decided on the list of promoted officials.
    • The merit lists taking into account the points allocated by the appointing authority following the work of the committees, and the list of promoted officials, appear as an annex to this Administrative Notice.

    2.2 Allocation of points following the recommendations of the promotion committees

    2.2.1 Priority points for work in the interests of the Institution - PPII (max. 2 points)

    These points were allocated on the basis of information supplied by the Chairs of the joint committees, the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) and the Internal Competitions Task Force.

    The committees’ verifications mainly concerned:
    • the conformity of the duties to Annex I to the General Provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations (http://www.cc.cec/pers_admin/promotions/2006_exercice_en.html#legislation): the exhaustive list of duties which may justify the allocation of additional priority points includes:
      • Chair/member of a competition selection board or joint committee for the selection of temporary staff (2 points);
      • Adviser to a selection board/marker of competition papers (1 point);
      • Chair/member of a joint committee (2 points).
    • the amount of work involved: in this connection the committees proposed setting the minimum time required to qualify for points at 1.5 days. However, for the A* and B* officials paid from research appropriations in the general budget and due to the number of available points, the minimum time required to qualify for PPII was set at 4 days.

    A list of officials having devoted a certain number of days to the tasks set out above was published in Administrative Notice No 37-2006 of 19 July 2006.

    Following some appeals made to the promotion committees with regard to the above list, additional information was requested by DG ADMIN from the Chairs of the joint committees, EPSO and the Chairs of the committees for selecting temporary staff.

    That information was made known to each committee. It was taken into account when drawing up the proposals on allocating points for work undertaken in the interests of the institution. The committees had to take account of the constraints linked to the limited budget of points available for allocation.

    In each individual promotion file, the response to an appeal lodged takes the form of the allocation (or not) of points for work undertaken in the interests of the institution.

    In the light of the role played by the PPII in the overall promotion exercise and in view of statistics showing the number of officials who have accumulated PPII over several years, the promotion committees agreed to propose a variation in the criteria for awarding points next year.

    This means that in regard to the minimum amount of work involved to be qualified for PPII in the 2007 promotion round, the committees propose setting the minimum time required at 4 days.

    It was also agreed that a mechanism would be devised and put in place in the 2007 exercise to limit the number of PPII one official could obtain over a fixed period.

    2.2.2 Transitional points (max. 3 points)

    These points were allocated to compensate any officials put at a disadvantage by the transition from the old to the new promotion system. In some cases, the points to compensate for career delay provided for in Article 13(2) (a) of the General Provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations were considered insufficient to guarantee taking satisfactory account of merit over time.

    The allocation of transitional points was not limited to officials who had appealed to a promotion committee.

    In 2006, all the promotion committees used the same criteria as in 2005, in order to draw up a list of officials to whom it was proposed to allocate transitional points.

    The criteria are based on the following principles:

    • Transitional points may be allocated to officials who risked experiencing a slow down in their career despite having demonstrated satisfactory performance.
    • The number of points allocated is determined taking into account the profile of the official concerned: a profile is determined on the basis of the average merit marks obtained during the last four appraisal rounds and of seniority in the grade.
    • The examination of a limited number of individual cases also resulted in the allocation of transitional points.
    • The points allocated appear in the official’s individual file under the heading “transitional points”.

    2.2.3 Appeal points

    It should be noted that proposals to allocate appeal points or not are always the result of an individual examination.

    Action taken and procedure followed by the committees

    Appeals to the promotion committees gave rise to five types of action depending on the nature of the appeal:

    • a proposal that points be allocated for work in the interests of the institution (see point 2.1 above);
    • a proposal that appeal points be allocated;
    • a proposal that no appeal points be allocated;
    • the inclusion of one of a number of different comments in the promotion file. The possible comments are as follows:
      • a proposal that the appointing authority should ensure the promotion of an official in a given year provided that the official's performance is maintained at the same level as observed during the 2006 promotion exercise;
      • a proposal that the DG in question should allocate enough points to ensure the promotion of a particular official in a given year provided the performance is maintained at the level of 2006;
      • a proposal that a DG should follow with a particular attention the career of an official;
    • a proposal that an official should seek the advice of the vocational guidance service (the SCOP).

    It should be noted in this context that the committees are not authorised, inter alia, to:

    • call into question the results of the assessment procedure (CDR);
    • assume the role of the DGs with regard to the allocation of priority points.

    The main cases in which the committees examine appeals – other than the above-mentioned considerations relating to points for activities in the interests of the institution and transitional points – are therefore in response to manifest errors in the number of priority points allocated by a Directorate-General, and in response to discrimination (unjustified unequal treatment, or similar treatment in objectively different situations).

    Response to an appeal

    The officials concerned are invited to consult their Sysper2 files to check the number of points allocated to them following their appeal or the comment that may have been put (except the one related to the SCOP due to the confidentiality principle).

    If an appeal was considered to be unfounded, the official's dossier will carry the following statement: "Your appeal has been examined by the promotion committee. It was considered to be unfounded. The Appointing Authority has upheld the opinion of the promotion committee. Therefore you have not received any appeal points".

    To locate a possible comment in your Sysper2 promotion file go to 'PC priority points' and then 'appeal points'.

    The above description of the action taken and procedure followed by the committees should help officials to understand the decision to allocate priority points or not, as reflected in the Sysper2 file.

    This Administrative Notice, together with the Sysper2 file, which each person is invited to consult, serves as a reply from the promotion committees to the appeals submitted.

    Publication of the number of points allocated following the examination of appeals

    Pursuant to Article 8(3) of the General Provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations, the number of appeal points allocated by each promotion committee is published below:

    Category No of appeals No of people who received appeal points Total appeal points
    A* 517 71 145
    B* 194 31 56
    C* 201 27 46
    D* 5 0 0
    Total 917 129 247

    (Figures given for all budgets)

    2.3 Selection of ex-aequo officials

    The criteria used to select ex-aequo officials are contained in Article 10(1) of the General Provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations, which provides that:

    “… the committees shall take account of subsidiary factors such as, in particular, seniority in the grade and factors relating to equal opportunities or the nature of the duties undertaken.”

    The promotion committees used these criteria, in particular that of seniority in the grade, to choose between the ex-aequo officials.


    The list of officials who have been allocated 1 or 2 points under Article 9 of the General Provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations appears as an annex to this Notice.

    Article 10 of the General Provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations provides that:
    “Once the promotion committees' work has been completed, the Director-General for Personnel and Administration shall finally lay down the total number of priority points allocated to each official in the context of the promotion round.”

    “Amended merit lists shall be drawn up taking into account the decisions taken under [the preceding] paragraph and the proposals made by the promotion committees […].”
    The Director-General for Personnel and Administration has laid down the total number of priority points allocated in the context of the 2006 promotion round as shown in each official's Sysper2 promotion file, without prejudice to changes of category or administrative position during 2006.

    This Administrative Notice serves as the publication of the definitive merit list. The list includes officials who are within five points of the definitive promotion threshold. The list shows each official’s name and the total number of points obtained in the promotion exercise.

    Some officials will find that their points total has increased following the work of the promotion committees. These changes are the result of proposals by the promotion committees and the decision by the appointing authority to allocate points for one or more of the following reasons: work in the interests of the institution (point 2.2.1 above), transition (point 2.2.2 above) or a successful appeal to a promotion committee (point 2.2.3 above).

    A detailed break-down of any points allocated is accessible to each official (including those whose names do not appear on the lists published below) in their Sysper2 promotion file.

    The promotion committees have proposed fixing the following definitive promotion thresholds:
      Operating and OLAF budgets Research budget  JRC budget
    Promotion from grade Indicative* Proposed definitive threshold Indicative* Proposed definitive threshold Indicative* Proposed definitive threshold
    A*13 85 85 85 85 85 85
    A*12 98.5 98.5 98.5 98.5 95.5 98.5
    A*11 81 79 81 79 81 79
    A*10 71 67 71 67 73 73.5
    A*9 68 68 68 68 68 68
    A*8 66 60.5 66 60.5 66 60.5
    A*7 33 33 33 33 33 33
    A*6 51 26.5 51 26.5 51 26.5
    A*5 48 23 48 23 48 23
    B*10 95.5 95.5 95.5 95.5 95.5 95.5
    B*9 85 85 85 85 85 85
    B*8 82 79.5 82 79.5 82 79.5
    B*7 77.5 74 77.5 74 77.5 74
    B*6 73.5 71.5 73.5 71.5 73.5 71.5
    B*5 38 38 38 38 38 38
    B*4 51 41.5 51 41.5 51 41.5
    B*3 48 27 48 27 48 27
    C*6 94 94 94 94 94 94
    C*5 84.5 84.5 84.5 84.5 84.5 84.5
    C*4 75 72.5 75 72.5 75 72.5
    C*3 73.5 70.5 73.5 70.5 73.5 70.5
    C*2 38 38 38 38 38 38
    C*1 48 24.5 48 24.5 48 24.5
    D*4 93.5 94 - - 93.5 94
    D*3 75 73 - - 75 73
    D*2 50 50 - - - -
    * Indicative threshold published by DG ADMIN prior to the promotion committee meetings



    The vast majority of promotions in 2006 take effect on 1 March for most grades or 1 January for promotions to the grades A*13, B*11, C*7 and D* 5.

    Nevertheless, some promotions will take effect from another date. If these promotions enter into force on a date after 30 April 2006, the provisions of Article 45, paragraph 2 relating to the ability to work in a third language have to be applied. For example, officials who reach two year's seniority in the grade on 16 April 2006 will see their promotion take effect on 1 May 2006. They will therefore be subject to the requirement to demonstrate the ability to work in a third language (see article 10, paragraph 5 of the General Implementing Provisions of the 2006 promotion exercise-http://www.cc.cec/pers_admin/promotions/doc/DGE45_23122004_en.doc) if they do not fall into one of the three following groups:
    • they have already been promoted in their category;
    • they were promoted while in a lower category and are now in a higher category following a change of category;
    • they are former temporary agents (for example a 'research' temporary agent) already assigned to a higher grade (see Title II, articles 10 and 15 of the 'conditions of employment of other servants') while a temporary agent and they have now become an official.

    In the 2006 promotion round, over 330 officials were required to demonstrate their ability to work in a third language before their first promotion in 2006. A relatively small number of these officials have not yet demonstrated their ability to work in a third language. All those who succeed in the demonstration before 31 December 2006 will be the subject of a separate promotion decision at a later stage. The list of concerned promoted officials will also be published later.

    There are three ways to demonstrate the ability work in a third language:

    • by succeeding in passing inter-institutional language courses at the required level (during the transition period up to 31 December 2008 the required level is level 4);
    • through submitting an equivalent diploma and having it certified by EPSO;
    • by passing an official test at level 4.

    As this is the first year of application of this part of the Staff Regulations, DG ADMIN has arranged intensive language courses of 60 hours duration for all officials not succeeding the test and other officials reluctant to be tested. All such officials will be offered a second opportunity to pass the test in 2006.


    The promotion committees' proposals were submitted to the Appointing Authority. Each appointing authority adopted decisions on promotions, taking into account:
    • the available budget;
    • the provisions of Article 45(1) of the Staff Regulations on the minimum seniority in the grade required to qualify for promotion;
    • the principle that officials may be promoted only if they are in active employment in the Commission in the relevant grade at the time the promotion decision is adopted, or if they are seconded in the interests of the service or they are on parental or family leave;
    • the principle that any decision on the promotion of an official who is the subject of disciplinary proceedings is suspended until the results of those proceedings are known;
    • the principle of the comparison of merit over time, in particular as described in the General Provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations and the case-law of the Courts of Justice and First Instance.
    • Article 45, paragraph 2 of the staff regulations concerning the ability to work in a third language before a first promotion

    Article 10(4) of the General Provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations provides that:

    “The appointing authority shall, on the basis of the merit lists […], decide on the list of officials to be promoted. That list shall be communicated to the staff.”
    The list of promoted officials is published in an annex to this Administrative Notice. As explained above, point 6, an additional residual list will be published at a later stage. For reasons of clarity and convenience, the list of promoted officials is published together with the merit lists taking account of proposals by the promotion committees, the promoted officials being indicated by the letter “P” after their total number of points.

    Under Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations, “Any person to whom these Staff Regulations apply may submit to the Appointing Authority a complaint against an act adversely affecting him or her, either where the said authority has taken a decision or where it has failed to adopt a measure prescribed by the Staff Regulations. A complaint must be made within three months.”

    The complaints procedure is explained in Administrative Notice 28-2006 of 18.06.2006.

    The 2006 promotions exercise comes under the Staff Regulations in force since 1 May 2004.

    Promotion decisions take effect either on 1 January 2006 (promotions to grades A*13, B*11, C*7 and D*5) or on 1 March 2006 (other grades). The promotion of officials who, on one of the two dates, do not have the minimum seniority required, will take effect on the first day of the month following the month when the minimum seniority is obtained.

    Promotion decisions are currently being taken and will be finalised in time for December 2006 salary transfers of most promoted officials.


   Author: ADMIN.A6